
José R. Ferrer-Paris

Research Fellow (Ecology not elsewhere classified)

Sydney, Australia

I work with the management of biodiversity information for the analysis of patterns and trends at different geographic scales, from local field studies to global patterns. I am interested in spatial ecology, geostatistics, species distribution and abundance modelling (including niche and occupancy models), multivariate analysis, passive monitoring using cameras and recorders, biodiversity data management, etc.


  • Predicting carnivore distribution and extirpation rate based on human impacts and productivity factors; assessment of the state of jaguar ( Panthera onca ) in Venezuela
  • Shifting cultivation and hunting across the savanna-forest mosaic in the Gran Sabana, Venezuela: Facing changes
  • Formación de talento humano en el Centro de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas
  • Taxonomic intelligence
  • Making inferences about non-detection observations to improve occurrence predictions in Venezuelan Psittacidae
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM23 Paraytepuy, estado Bolívar (CNEB o25)
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM05 Rosario de Perijá, estado Zulia (CNEB d02)
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM04 Casigua, estado Zulia (CNEB g02)
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM26 Jají, estado Mérida (CNEB h04)
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM21 Kavanayén, estado Bolívar (CNEB n24)
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM20 Borbón, estado Bolívar (CNEB i19)
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM15 Cantaura, estado Anzoátegui (CNEB f19)
  • Factors affecting the distribution of two species of African Charaxes: the role of hostplant distribution, environmental covariates and biogeography
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM13 San Fernando, estado Apure (CNEB i12)
  • Mariposas altiandinas (LEPIDOPTERA: NYMPHALIDAE, SATYRINAE) y la conservación de los páramos en Venezuela
  • Compilación de las colecciones venezolanas del género Pereskia Mill. (Cactaceae: Pereskioideae) depositadas en 11 herbarios nacionales
  • Interannual and daily activity patterns of mid-sized mammals in Maracaibo Lake Basin, Venezuela
  • How to deal with ground truthing affected by human-induced habitat change?: Identifying high-quality habitats for the Critically Endangered Red Siskin
  • An Invasive Succulent Plant (Kalanchoe daigremontiana) Influences Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Mineralization in a Neotropical Semiarid Zone
  • A general framework to model the effects of fragmentation process on community diversity
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM05 Rosario de Perijá, estado Zulia (CNEB d02)
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM12 Guanarito, estado Portuguesa (CNEB g09)
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM03 Quebrada Arriba, estado Lara (CNEB d06)
  • Pronósticos de cambios en la precipitación promedio anual en Venezuela según modelos y escenarios de cambio climático global
  • Brown-throated parakeet vocalization data
  • Making inferences about non-detection observations to improve occurrence predictions in Venezuelan Psittacidae
  • IUCN Red List of Ecosystems
  • Baseline for monitoring and habitat use of medium to large non-volant mammals in Gran Sabana, Venezuela
  • One Health proof of concept: Bringing a transdisciplinary approach to surveillance for zoonotic viruses at the human-wild animal interface
  • Evaluation of local media surveillance for improved disease recognition and monitoring in global hotspot regions
  • Indicative distribution maps for Ecological Functional Groups - Level 3 of IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM27 Páramo, estado Mérida (CNEB g06)
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM01 Río Tocuyo, estado Lara (CNEB d08)
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM24 Guri, estado Bolívar (CNEB i21)
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM18 San Joaquín de Navay, estado Táchira (CNEB j04)
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM96 Corralito, estado Cojedes (CNEB g11)
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM11 Güigüe, estado Carabobo (CNEB e12)
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM06 San Simón, estado Táchira (CNEB h03)
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM16 Otopún, estado Barinas (CNEB j05)
  • Ecosystem indices to support global biodiversity conservation
  • Caracterización ambiental del Ecoparque ``Ojo de Agua El Cardón'', municipio Miranda, estado Zulia
  • An ecosystem risk assessment of temperate and tropical forests of the Americas with an outlook on future conservation strategies
  • Combining threat and occurrence models to predict potential ecological traps for Andean bears in the Cordillera de Mérida, Venezuela
  • Impact of two invasive succulents on native-seedling recruitment in Neotropical arid environments
  • IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology 2.0: descriptive profiles for biomes and ecosystem functional groups
  • A Literature Synthesis of Actions to Tackle Illegal Parrot Trade
  • Impacts of the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems on conservation policy and practice
  • Myanmar's terrestrial ecosystems: Status, threats and conservation opportunities
  • Contributions of Distribution Modelling to the Ecological Study of Psittaciformes
  • Indicative response of Oxysternon festivum Linné (Coleoptera: Scarabaidae) to vegetation condition in the basin of the Orinoco river, Venezuela
  • Using limited data to detect changes in species distributions: Insights from Amazon parrots in Venezuela
  • Congruence and Diversity of Butterfly-Host Plant Associations at Higher Taxonomic Levels
  • Systematic, large-scale national biodiversity surveys: NeoMaps as a model for tropical regions
  • A nation-wide standardized bird survey scheme for venezuela
  • More and better scientific information for 2010: International year of biodiversity
  • Factors affecting poaching risk to Vulnerable Andean bears Tremarctos ornatus in the Cordillera de Mérida, Venezuela: Space, parks and people
  • A brachypterous butterfly?
  • Sampling optimization for tropical invertebrates: An example using dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) in Venezuela
  • The effect of spatial structure and poaching on the persistence of threatened populations: the Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus) in Venezuela as a case study.
  • Optimización del muestreo de invertebrados tropicales: Un ejemplo con escarabajos coprófagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) en Venezuela
  • Patrones de distribución y abundancia en mariposas piérides (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) a diferentes escalas geográficas
  • Sampling optimization for tropical invertebrates: An example using dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) in Venezuela,Optimización del muestreo de invertebrados tropicales: Un ejemplo con escarabajos coprófagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) en Venezuela
  • Interactions between anthropogenic stressors and recurring perturbations mediate ecosystem resilience or collapse
  • Contact calls of island Brown-throated Parakeets exhibit both character and variance shifts compared to calls of their mainland relatives
  • A function-based typology for Earth’s ecosystems
  • Effects of interactions between anthropogenic stressors and recurring perturbations on ecosystem resilience and collapse
  • Contributions of Red Lists of Ecosystems to risk-based design and management of protected and conserved areas in Africa
  • Detection histories for eight species of Amazona parrots in Venezuela during the NeoMaps bird surveys in 2010
  • Review of "Research priorities for maintaining biodiversity’s contributions to people in Latin America"
  • Sinopsis del género Tabebuia s.l. (Angiospermae: Bignoniaceae) en el estado Zulia, Venezuela
  • Modelando Nichos Ecológicos - II - Calibración y Selección de mejores métodos y modelos
  • Métodos para la estimación de abundancia de mariposas (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) a partir de recorridos cronometrados
  • Colecciones zulianas del género Pereskia Mill. (Cactaceae: Pereskioideae) en los herbarios de Venezuela
  • Estado actual de las colecciones zulianas del género Tabebuia s.l. (Angiospermae: Bignoniaceae) en los herbarios venezolanos
  • The need to integrate experts, web-based tools and communities to create a truly global biological information system for butterflies
  • NeoMapas/clima-JBM: Análsisis de estacionalidad climática en el Jardín Botánico de Maracaibo
  • Registro fotográfico de mamíferos en el Parque Recreativo Burro Negro y la Reserva Nacional Hidráulica de Pueblo Viejo, estado Zulia, Venezuela
  • Modelando nichos ecológicos - I - algoritmos y métodos
  • Del nicho a la distribución: dispersión, interacciones e intervención humana
  • The assessment of macroecological patterns in butterfly-host plant associations at a global scale
  • Material didáctico sobre modelos de nicho y distribución de especies: Sesión práctica sobre el algoritmo BioClim en R
  • jrfep/assessment-ecosystem-functional-groups: Workflow for analysis and figure output
  • Description of content and maps for Ecosystem Functional Groups - Level 3 of IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology
  • Shiny App: Interactive Map of IUCN Red List of Ecosystem assessments
  • Indicative distribution maps for Ecosystem Functional Groups - Level 3 of IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology - Earth Engine Code
  • NeoMapas/Monitoreo-acustico-JBM: Ensayo de métodos de monitorización acústica en el Jardı́n Botánico de Maracaibo, municipio San Francisco, estado Zulia
  • IUCN Red List of Ecosystems of the forest Macrogroups of the Americas: First release of original dataset
  • globalbioticinteractions/globalbioticinteractions v0.20.1
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM22 El Manteco, estado Bolívar (CNEB k22)
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM25 Yacambú, estado Lara (CNEB f08)
  • Caracterización ambiental de la ruta de NeoMapas: NM19 Capitanejo, estado Barinas (CNEB i05)
  • Datos espaciales de la evaluación de lista roja de ecosistemas de los bosques de las Américas
  • Beyond the headline: roles of the Red List of Ecosystems in implementing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
  • Distribución de anfibios en un bosque urbano tropical en Venezuela: Implicaciones para el manejo de parques urbanos
  • Indicative distribution maps for Ecosystem Functional Groups - Level 3 of IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology
  • Indicative distribution map for Ecosystem Functional Group T1.4 Tropical heath forests
  • jhpoelen/eol-globi-data v0.9.24
  • globalbioticinteractions/globalbioticinteractions: v0.25.1
  • jhpoelen/eol-globi-data v0.12.1
  • globalbioticinteractions/globalbioticinteractions: v0.25.3
  • Socializing One Health: an innovative strategy to investigate social and behavioral risks of emerging viral threats
  • Evaluando la novedad de un nuevo registro de Oxysternon ebeninum (Nevison, 1890) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) en Venezuela
  • IUCN Red List of Ecosystem assessment: Tropical glacier ecosystem of the Cordillera de Mérida
  • Indicative distribution map for Ecosystem Functional Group F1.3 Freeze-thaw rivers and streams
  • Fuentes para el Estudio de la historia de extracción, consumo y comercio de tres especies de aves venezolanas amenazadas
  • Referencias sobre la historia de extracción, consumo y comercio de tres especies de aves venezolanas amenazadas
  • Venezuela’s harmful mining activities grow
  • Detecting potential declines in a threatened dung beetle with N- mixtured models: Eurysternus impressicollis Castelnau 1840 in north-western Venezuela
  • Dung removal increases under higher dung beetle functional diversity regardless of grazing intensification
  • Leveraging limited data from wildlife monitoring in a conflict affected region in Venezuela
  • Trade-Offs in the Use of Direct and Indirect Indicators of Ecosystem Degradation for Risk Assessment
  • Design and testing of a replicable, scalable capacity-building model for species conservation
  • Mapping Species Distributions: Spatial Inference and Prediction by Janet Franklin (2009), xviii + 320 pp., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9780521876353 (hbk), GBP 70.00; 9780521700023 (pbk), GBP 35.00.
  • Assessing risk of ecosystem collapse in a changing climate
  • Roles of the Red List of Ecosystems in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
  • Contributions of Red Lists of Ecosystems to risk‐based design and management of protected and conserved areas in Africa
  • La agricultura migratoria y la cacería de mamíferos y aves en la Gran Sabana, Venezuela
  • Trade-offs in the use of direct and indirect indicators of ecosystem degradation for risk assessment
  • Fire Ecology Traits for Plants: A database for fire research and management
  • Fire Ecology Traits for Plants: A database for fire research and management
  • Contributions of the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems to risk‐based design and management of protected and conserved areas in Africa
  • Population density and ranging behaviour of a generalist carnivore varies with human population
  • Contributions of the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems to risk-based design and management of protected and conserved areas in Africa
  • A function-based typology for Earth's ecosystems
  • How to deal with ground truthing affected by human‐induced habitat change?: Identifying high‐quality habitats for the Critically Endangered Red Siskin
  • How to deal with ground truthing affected by human‐induced habitat change?: Identifying high‐quality habitats for the Critically Endangered Red Siskin
  • Peer Review #2 of "Shifting cultivation and hunting across the savanna-forest mosaic in the Gran Sabana, Venezuela: facing changes (v0.1)"
  • Peer Review #2 of "Shifting cultivation and hunting across the savanna-forest mosaic in the Gran Sabana, Venezuela: facing changes (v0.1)"

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