
José Darío Martínez-Ezquerro


  • Association Between the Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Val66Met Polymorphism and Overweight/Obesity in Pediatric Population
  • Presencia de síntomas depresivos en la pandemia por COVID-19 en personas mayores [Presence of depressive symptoms during COVID-19 pandemic in older people]
  • Modelado de escenarios basados en agentes para explorar el genotipo ahorrador [Agent-based scenario modeling to explore the thrifty genotype]
  • COVID-19 relevant genetic variants confirmed in an admixed population
  • Copy number alterations and epithelial‑mesenchymal transition genes in diffuse and intestinal gastric cancers in Mexican patients.
  • Looking for Crumbs in the Obesity Forest: Anti-obesity Interventions and Obesity-Associated Cardiometabolic Traits in the Mexican Population. History and Systematic Review With Meta-Analyses.
  • Effect of voluntary distancing measures on the spread of SARS-CoV2 in Mexico City
  • Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Epidemiology in Children From 2 Socioeconomic Regions in Mexico
  • Authors in the Age of Language-generation AI: To be or not to be, is that Really the Question?
  • The healthcare landscape for future domain-specific generative AI applications
  • Búsqueda y recuperación de la literatura científica
  • Oxidative Stress, Telomere Length, and Frailty in an Old Age Population
  • Bibliometric analysis of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism based on Web of Science, Pubmed, and Scopus databases
  • Association between the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and BMI in Mexican children
  • Oxidative stress, telomere length, and frailty in an elder population
  • Sweet taste perception genes: TAS1R2 and GLUT2 polymorphisms, carbohydrate intake and nutritional status in Mexican adults
  • Los sentidos comúnmente asociados a la alimentación [Senses commonly associated with food intake]
  • Cognición sensorial, alimentación y obesidad [Sensory cognition, food intake, and obesity]
  • Música e ingesta: efectos cognitivos de la escucha musical en la conducta alimentaria [Music and food intake: cognitive effects of music listening on eating behavior]
  • Mapeo científico de la música y la alimentación: bibliometría, redes semánticas y revisión sistemática [Scientific mapping of music and eating: bibliometrics, semantic networks, and systematic review]
  • Estructuras cerebrales y procesos cognitivos asociados a la escucha musical y la ingesta alimentaria [Brain structures and cognitive processes associated with music listening and food intake]
  • Relaciones entre sonido, música y alimentación: análisis bibliométrico en cuatro bases de datos académicas [Relationships between sound, music and feeding: bibliometric analysis in four academic databases]
  • Information and Communication Technology, Mobile Devices, and Medical Education
  • High prevalence of human papillomavirus type 66 in low-grade cervical lesions of Mexican women
  • AI healthcare applications beyond ChatGPT
  • Voluntary mobility and distancing measures decrease the spread of SARS-CoV2 in Mexico City
  • Response to: Impact of ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence in the Contemporary Medical Landscape
  • Authors in the age of language-generation AI: to be or not to be, that is… the question?
  • Los sonidos durante la ingesta alimentaria [Sounds during food intake]
  • La influencia de la percepción sensorial en la elección de alimentos y su asociación con la obesidad en personas mayores [Influence of sensory perception on food choice and its association with obesity in older people]
  • “Help! I Need Somebody”: Music as a Global Resource for Obtaining Wellbeing Goals in Times of Crisis
  • Interinstitutional Command Mexico: organizational decision-making in the face of COVID-19.
  • Diagnostic tests for COVID-19 detection: A hybrid methodology
  • Expert consensus in times of COVID-19: health applications of the Delphi method
  • Telomere length and oxidative stress variations in a murine model of Alzheimer’s disease progression
  • Medicina basada en mitocondrias [Mitochondria-based medicine]
  • Búsqueda sistematizada de información en la investigación científica
  • Comando interinstitucional México: toma de decisiones organizacionales ante COVID-19 [Interinstitutional Command Mexico: organizational decision-making in the face of COVID-19]
  • Physical performance and telomere length in older adults
  • Physical performance and telomere length in older Mexican adults
  • Significancia clínica sobre significancia estadística. Cómo interpretar los intervalos de confianza a 95 %
  • Análisis bayesiano. Conceptos básicos y prácticos para su interpretación y uso
  • Introducción a la epigenética en las patologías
  • El epigenoma circulante [The circulating epigenome]
  • Consecuencias de la transferencia horizontal de genes en la evolución genómica eucarionte [Consequences of horizontal gene transfer in eukaryotic genomic evolution]
  • Diagnostic tests for COVID-19 detection: A hybrid methodology.
  • [Consenso experto en tiempos de COVID-19: aplicaciones del método Delphi en materia de salud].
  • “Help! I Need Somebody”: Music as a Global Resource for Obtaining Wellbeing Goals in Times of Crisis
  • La influencia de la percepción sensorial en la elección de alimentos y su asociación con la obesidad en personas mayores
  • La influencia de la percepción sensorial en la elección de alimentos y su asociación con la obesidad en personas mayores
  • Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, Food Intake Regulation, and Obesity
  • ANGIOGÉNESIS: VEGF/VEGFRs como Blancos Terapéuticos en el Tratamiento Contra el Cáncer
  • El ADN circulante y su potencial clínico
  • Buenas prácticas en el Programa de Servicio Social: Cognición musical, alimentación y envejecimiento

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Co-workers & collaborators

Martin Zumaya

Martin Zumaya

José Darío Martínez-Ezquerro's public data