
Johanna Havemann


  • Open Science in Africa – Challenges, Opportunities and Perspectives
  • Cuticle differentiation in the embryo of the amphipod crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis.
  • Germ cells in the crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis depend on Vasa protein for their maintenance but not for their formation.
  • Open Science
  • Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) Essential Open Source Software for Science, Cycle 2 Center for Open Science (COS) Proposal - Advancing Sustainability and Innovation of Open Manuscript Services
  • The varying openness of digital open science tools
  • AfricArXiv Preprints
  • Research in Africa
  • Indigenous Knowledge
  • Ctenophores
  • Digital Science
  • Science in Crisis. Is Open Science the Solution?
  • Unfundierte Kritik. Eine Erwiderung auf einen Kommentar zu Schwächen von Open Access
  • Ten myths around open scholarly publishing
  • The varying openness of digital open science tools [version 2; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations]
  • Ten simple rules for researchers collaborating on Massively Open Online Papers (MOOPs)
  • NSF 19-501 AccelNet Proposal: Community of Open Scholarship Grassroots Networks (COSGN)
  • Ten Hot Topics around Scholarly Publishing
  • Foundations for Open Scholarship Strategy Development
  • Open Science, but Correctly! Lessons from the Heinsberg Study
  • Open Science, aber richtig! Was wir aus der Heinsberg-Studie lernen können
  • Isolation and characterization of hemolymph clotting factors in Drosophila melanogaster by a pullout method.
  • AfricArXiv – the pan-African Open Scholarly Repository(dissemination document)
  • Preprint in the Context of Open Science
  • Open Access Beyond Article Processing Charges
  • Global Equity in Scholarly Communication
  • What Role Can Open Science Play in Enabling South-North Dialogues?
  • Crossref metadata for preprints: Discussions and recommendations
  • Open Scholarly Publishing, Preprints, and Peer Review
  • Explore Open Science resources by research discipline
  • Podcast
  • Podcast
  • Multilingualism
  • University Presses in Africa
  • Co-creating a FORRT: The Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training
  • Leaping like a Salmon from Academia to a career in the industry
  • Beware ‘persuasive communication devices’ when writing and reading scientific articles
  • Reflecting on the use of persuasive communication devices in academic writing
  • Rapid and Open Peer Review [Webinar]
  • Enhancing African Research Visibility Through Use of Repositories [Webinar]
  • Best Practices and Innovative Approaches to Peer Review [incl. workshop recordings]
  • TCC Africa and AfricArXiv Announce Formal Collaboration
  • RDA for Data Management Planning Community Cross-fertilisation Workshop Summary
  • SDG indicator codes as metadata in institutional repositories and scholarly indexing systems
  • Publications
  • Reading Writing Publishing
  • Open Science Webinar series

Johanna Havemann's public data