
Jodey M. Peyton


  • Horizon scanning for invasive alien species with the potential to threaten biodiversity and human health on a Mediterranean island
  • Monitoring insect pollinators and flower visitation: The effectiveness and feasibility of different survey methods
  • Guiding principles for utilizing social influence within expert‐elicitation to inform conservation decision‐making
  • Using expert-elicitation to deliver biodiversity monitoring priorities on a Mediterranean island
  • Using expert-elicitation to deliver biodiversity monitoring priorities on a Mediterranean island
  • Re-connecting Communities in Biodiverse Places to their Biological Heritage: The case of iguanas on Grand Cayman
  • The Alien to Cyprus Entomofauna (ACE) database: a review of the current status of alien insects (Arthropoda, Insecta) including an updated species checklist, discussion on impacts and recommendations for informing management

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