
Jim Boelrijk


  • Bayesian optimization of comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography separations
  • Predicting RP-LC retention indices of structurally unknown chemicals from mass spectrometry data
  • Closed-loop automatic gradient design for liquid chromatography using Bayesian optimization
  • Predicting RP-LC retention indices of structurally unknown chemicals from mass spectrometry data
  • Closed-loop automatic gradient design for liquid chromatography using Bayesian optimization
  • Closed-loop automatic gradient design for liquid chromatography using Bayesian optimization
  • Predicting RP-LC retention indices of structurally unknown chemicals from mass spectrometry data
  • Chemometric Strategies for Fully Automated Interpretive Method Development in Liquid Chromatography
  • Computer-driven optimization of complex gradients in comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography
  • Enhancing LC×LC separations through Multi-Task Bayesian Optimization

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Co-workers & collaborators

Denice van Herwerden

Denice van Herwerden

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