
Jie Luo

Earth sciences; Environmental sciences

Hefei, China

Jie Luo currently works at the State key laboratory of fire science, University of Science and Technology of China. Jie does research in fire climate, smoke particles scattering, fire emitted particle absorption. He is working on the use of the non-spherical optical model in the climate model and remote sensing, and investigating how the mixing states affect the climate effects of black carbon.


  • Luo, J., Zhang, Y., Wang, F., and Zhang, Q.(2018a): Effects of brown coatings on the absorption enhancement of black carbon: a numerical investigation, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 16897-16914, 10.5194/acp-18-16897-2018, 2018.
  • Luo, J., Zhang, Q., Luo, J., Liu, J., Huo, Y., Zhang, Y. (2019). Optical modeling of black carbon with different coating materials: The effect of coating confgurations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(23): 13230-13253
  • Luo, J., Zhang, Y., Wang, F., Wang, J., and Zhang, Q. (2018d), Applying machine learning to estimate the optical properties of black carbon fractal aggregates, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 215, 1-8.
  • Luo, J., Zhang, Y., and Zhang, Q. (2018b), A model study of aggregates composed of spherical soot monomers with an acentric carbon shell, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 205, 184-195.
  • Luo, J., Zhang, Y., Zhang Q., , Wang, F., Liu, J., and Wang J. (2018c), Sensitivity analysis of morphology on radiative properties of soot aerosols, Optics Express, 26(10), A420-A432.
  • Luo, J.,, Zhang, Y., Zhang, Q. (2020), The Ångström Exponent and Single-Scattering Albedo of Black Carbon: Effects of Different Coating Materials. Atmosphere, 11(10):1103.
  • Luo, J., Zhang, Y., and Zhang, Q.: Effects of black carbon morphology on the brown carbon absorption estimation: from numerical aspects, Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss.,, in review, 2020.

Jie Luo's public data