First degree and Master's degree in Computer Science, both @ NTHU Taiwan; PhD research on alignment uncertainty and evolutionary analysis of Drosophila odorant receptor genes based on RNAseq @ CRG, Barcelona. Interested in the prediction of protein functional classes; the interaction between alignment and evolution; evolutionary analysis based on RNAseq.


  • Improving the alignment quality of consistency based aligners with an evaluation function using synonymous protein words
  • T-Coffee: A web server for the multiple sequence alignment of protein and RNA sequences using structural information and homology extension
  • Using the T-Coffee package to build multiple sequence alignments of protein, RNA, DNA sequences and 3D structures
  • PSLDoc: Protein subcellular localization prediction based on gapped-dipeptides and probabilistic latent semantic analysis
  • RIBRA - An error-tolerant algorithm for the NMR backbone assignment problem
  • GANA - A genetic algorithm for NMR backbone resonance assignment
  • GANA-A genetic algorithm for NMR backbone resonance assignment
  • HYPROSP II - A knowledge-based hybrid method for protein secondary structure prediction based on local prediction confidence
  • RIBRA-an error-tolerant algorithm for the NMR backbone assignment problem
  • HYPROSP: A hybrid protein secondary structure prediction algorithm-a knowledge-based approach
  • Constrained multiple sequence alignment tool development and its application to RNase family alignment.
  • Constrained multiple sequence alignment tool development and its application to RNase family alignment.

Jia-Ming Chang's public data