
Jenny Dunn


  • Non-cultured faecal and gastrointestinal seed samples fail to detect Trichomonad infection in clinically and sub-clinically infected columbid birds
  • High prevalence of Trichomonas gallinae in wild columbids across western and southern Europe
  • Assessing rates of parasite coinfection and spatiotemporal strain variation via metabarcoding: insights for the conservation of European Turtle Doves Streptopelia turtur
  • Altitudinal effects on habitat selection in two sympatric pipistrelle species
  • Competition and parasitism in the native White Clawed Crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes and the invasive Signal Crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus in the UK
  • Active blood parasite infection is not limited to the breeding season in a declining farmland bird
  • The genome sequence of the European robin, Erithacus rubecula Linnaeus 1758 [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]
  • Assessing rates of parasite coinfection and spatiotemporal strain variation via metabarcoding: Insights for the conservation of European turtle doves Streptopelia turtur
  • Successful storage of Trichomonas gallinae on Whatman FTA cards following culture
  • Epidemiology of protozoan and helminthic parasites in wild passerine birds of Britain and Ireland
  • From seeds to plasma: Confirmed exposure of multiple farmland bird species to clothianidin during sowing of winter cereals
  • High prevalence of the neonicotinoid clothianidin in liver and plasma samples collected from gamebirds during autumn sowing
  • Evidence for strain-specific virulence of Trichomonas gallinae in African columbiformes
  • New universal ITS2 primers for high-resolution herbivory analyses using DNA metabarcoding in both tropical and temperate zones
  • Anthropogenically-Mediated Density Dependence in a Declining Farmland Bird.
  • Ageing and sexing the yellowhammer emberiza citrinella caliginosa during the non-breeding season
  • Avian blood parasite infection during the non-breeding season: An overlooked issue in declining populations?
  • Which features of UK farmland are important in retaining territories of the rapidly declining Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur ?
  • Personality and parasites: Sex-dependent associations between avian malaria infection and multiple behavioural traits
  • Nest and foraging-site selection in Yellowhammers Emberiza citrinella: Implications for chick provisioning
  • Fear for the family has negative consequences: Indirect effects of nest predators on chick growth in a farmland bird
  • Migratory Birds: Ecology and Conservation. A report on the BOU's Annual Conference held at the University of Leicester, 5-7 April 2011
  • Testing bespoke management of foraging habitat for European turtle doves Streptopelia turtur
  • The protozoan parasite Trichomonas gallinae causes adult and nestling mortality in a declining population of European Turtle Doves, Streptopelia turtur
  • Trichomonad parasite infection in four species of Columbidae in the UK
  • The decline of the Turtle Dove: Dietary associations with body condition and competition with other columbids analysed using high‐throughput sequencing
  • Molecular and morphological characterization of Hepatozoon spp. In Brazilian snakes
  • Post-fledging habitat selection in a rapidly declining farmland bird, the European Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur
  • Can hedgerow management mitigate the impacts of predation on songbird nest survival?
  • Dynamics of phenotypic change: wing length declines in a resident farmland passerine despite survival advantage of longer wings
  • High rates of infection by blood parasites during the nestling phase in UK Columbids with notes on ecological associations
  • Bird species with wider geographical ranges have higher blood parasite diversity but not prevalence across the African-Eurasian flyway
  • Parasite exchange and hybridisation at a wild-feral-domestic interface
  • Multi-taxa benefits of a targeted single-species agri-environment option
  • Genomic evidence of demographic fluctuations and lack of genetic structure across flyways in a long distance migrant, the European turtle dove
  • Flying into the future: avian haemosporidians and the advancement of understanding host–parasite systems
  • Using long-term datasets to assess the impacts of dietary exposure to neonicotinoids on farmland bird populations in England
  • Fungal microbiomes are determined by host phylogeny and exhibit widespread associations with the bacterial microbiome
  • Effects of seed-rich habitat provision on territory density, home range and breeding performance of European Turtle Doves Streptopelia turtur
  • The genome sequence of the European turtle dove, Streptopelia turtur Linnaeus 1758 [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]
  • Fungal microbiomes are determined by host phylogeny and exhibit widespread associations with the bacterial microbiome
  • Haemoproteus parasites and passerines: the effect of local generalists on inferences of host–parasite co-phylogeny in the British Isles

Jenny Dunn's public data