- Compatibility of Aerial and Terrestrial LiDAR for Quantifying Forest Structural Diversity
- Seasonal and inter-annual variability in litter decomposition and nitrogen availability in a mid-Appalachian watershed
- Regional- and watershed-scale analysis of red spruce habitat in the southeastern United States: implications for future restoration efforts
- Sustained Three-Year Declines in Forest Soil Respiration are Proportional to Disturbance Severity
- Scale dependency of lidar‐derived forest structural diversity
- Spatial Variation in Canopy Structure across Forest Landscapes
- Forest Canopy Structural Complexity and Light Absorption Relationships at the Subcontinental Scale
- Mapping Temperate Forest Phenology Using Tower, UAV, and Ground-Based Sensors
- Multidimensional Structural Characterization is Required to Detect and Differentiate Among Moderate Disturbance Agents
- Vegetation Structural Complexity and Biodiversity Across Elevation Gradients in the Great Smoky Mountains
- Mapping Temperate Forest Phenology Using Tower, UAV, and Terrestrial-Based Sensors
- Integrating gradient with scale in ecological and evolutionary studies
- Power law scaling relationships link canopy structural complexity and height across forest types
- Community and structural constraints on the complexity of eastern North American forests
- review and comment
- Application of multidimensional structural characterization to detect and describe moderate forest disturbance
- Phenological and structural linkages to seasonality inform productivity relationships in the Amazon Rainforest
- Contrasting Development of Canopy Structure and Primary Production in Planted and Naturally Regenerated Red Pine Forests
- Leveraging the NEON Airborne Observation Platform for socio‐environmental systems research
- Vegetation structural complexity and biodiversity in the Great Smoky Mountains
- Disturbance‐accelerated succession increases the production of a temperate forest
- Short‐term effects of moderate severity disturbances on forest canopy structure
- Integrating forest structural diversity measurement into ecological research
- Quantifying vegetation and canopy structural complexity from terrestrial LiDAR data using the forestr r package
- USFS-NASA Joint applications workshop: Satellite data to support natural resource management: A framework for aligning NASA products with land management agency needs
- Inferring alpha, beta, and gamma plant diversity across biomes with GEDI spaceborne lidar
- Vegetation and elevation influence the timing and magnitude of soil CO2 efflux in a humid, topographically complex watershed
- Vegetation heterogeneity and landscape position exert strong controls on soil CO2 efflux in a moist, Appalachian watershed
- Aboveground Wood Production Is Sustained in the First Growing Season after Phloem-Disrupting Disturbance
- The short-term and long-term effects of honeysuckle removal on canopy structure and implications for urban forest management
- An algorithm for detecting and quantifying disturbance and recovery in high-frequency time series
- Compatibility of aerial and terrestrial LiDAR for quantifying forest structural diversity
- An experimental approach for crown to whole-canopy defoliation in forests
- Using aerial LiDAR to assess regional availability of potential habitat for a conservation dependent forest bird
- Linking Landsat to terrestrial LiDAR: Vegetation metrics of forest greenness are correlated with canopy structural complexity
- Short-term effects of moderate severity disturbances on forest canopy structure
- Mapping temperate forest phenology using tower, UAV, and ground-based sensors
- Aboveground wood production is sustained in the first growing season after phloem-disrupting disturbance
- Leveraging the NEON Airborne Observation Platform for socio-environmental systems research
- Dynamic subcanopy leaf traits drive resistance of net primary production across a disturbance severity gradient
- Reading tea leaves worldwide: Decoupled drivers of initial litter decomposition mass-loss rate and stabilization
- Forest Structural Complexity and Biomass Predict First-Year Carbon Cycling Responses to Disturbance
- The evolution of macrosystems biology
- Neon-Sd: A 30-M Structural Diversity Product Derived from the Neon Discrete-Return Lidar Point Cloud
- Structural complexity and primary production resistance are coupled in a temperate forest
- Scale dependency of lidar-derived forest structural diversity
- treetop: A Shiny-based application and R package for extracting forest information from LiDAR data for ecologists and conservationists
- Beech Bark Disease Does Not Reduce the Primary Production of Great Lakes Forests in Middle and Late Successional Stages
- Toward a Standardized Method for Quantifying Ecosystem Hot Spots and Hot Moments
- Modeling Crown-Bulk Density from Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data in a Longleaf Pine Forest Ecosystem
- Shifting conceptions of complexity in forest management and silviculture
- Open-Source tools in R for forestry and forest ecology
- High rates of primary production in structurally complex forests
- Disturbance-accelerated succession increases the production of a temperate forest
- Disturbance has variable effects on the structural complexity of a temperate forest landscape
- Structural and species diversity explain aboveground carbon storage in forests across the United States: Evidence from GEDI and forest inventory data
- Defining a spectrum of integrative trait-based vegetation canopy structural types
- A theoretical framework for the ecological role of three-dimensional structural diversity
- Effects of forest structural and compositional change on forest microclimates across a gradient of disturbance severity
- Integrating Nasa's Gedi and Landsat 8 Oli Data for Regional Aboveground Biomass Mapping In Forested Areas Impacted by Hurricane Ian in Florida
- Structure and parameter uncertainty in centennial projections of forest community structure and carbon cycling
- Stand age, disturbance history and the temporal stability of forest production
- Effects of an experimental ice storm on forest canopy structure
- The fortedata R package: Open-science datasets from a manipulative experiment testing forest resilience
- Contrasting development of canopy structure and primary production in planted and naturally regenerated red pine forests
- Beech bark disease does not reduce the long-term wood production of two forests contrasting in age, productivity, and structure
- Using Landsat imagery to map understory shrub expansion relative to landscape position in a mid-Appalachian watershed
- Crown-Level Structure and Fuel Load Characterization from Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning in a Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) Forest Ecosystem
- Spatial variation in canopy structure across forest landscapes
- Vegetation and elevation influence the timing and magnitude of soil CO2 efflux in a humid, topographically complex watershed
- Climate and topography control variation in the tropical dry forest–rainforest ecotone
- Climate and Topography Control Variation in the Tropical Dry Forest–Rainforest Ecotone
- NEON-SD: A 30-m Structural Diversity Product Derived from the NEON Discrete-Return LiDAR Point Cloud
- Eco-hydrological recovery following large vegetation disturbances from a megathrust earthquake on the eastern Tibetan plateau
- Spatial Characterization of Woody Species Diversity in Tropical Savannas Using GEDI and Optical Data
- Recommendations for developing, documenting, and distributing data products derived from NEON data
- Spatial resolution for forest carbon maps
- Vegetation heterogeneity and landscape position exert strong controls on soil CO2 efflux in a moist, Appalachian watershed