
Jason Bohenek

Postdoc (Freshwater ecology)


I am a freshwater aquatic ecologist investigating the patterns that drive our natural world. I am currently a postdoc in the STRIVE Lab at the Ohio State University studying how artificial light at night (ALAN) affects aquatic communities and ecosystems. I earned my PhD in the Resetarits Lab at the University of Mississippi, where I studied the ecophysiology of alternative phenotypes. I primarily studied how environmental stressors affect phenotype expression in facultatively paedomorphic salamanders. I also have a general interest in how aquatic communities assemble through processes of dispersal and colonization. In particular, I am interested in how aspects of patch quality affect oviposition and colonization dynamics of organisms with complex multi-stage life cycles like aquatic insects and amphibians.



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Co-workers & collaborators

Matthew Pintar

Matthew Pintar

Jason Bohenek's public data