Following my initial training as a General Surgeon (MD, MRCSI), I joined RCSI as an anatomist in 2005, completing multiple degrees while working full-time in this lecturing role (PhD, PgDipEd, FAS). I received RCSI's President's prize for teaching in 2011 & 2015, and was nominated for the NAIRTL National Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2012. I was then promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2016. My current interests are in Anatomy, Medical Education, Assessment and Technology-Enhanced-Learning. In addition to teaching anatomy (embryology and histology) across multiple undergraduate and postgraduate courses here in RCSI, I also contribute to out Postgraduate Diploma in Education and to the Anatomical Training programme run by the Anatomical Society, in conjunction with AAA.


  • Specialist training in medical microbiology across Europe in 2021 – An update on the actual training situation based on a survey
  • Physician Associate Students' Experience of Anatomy Dissection
  • Learning Cardiac Embryology—Which Resources Do Students Use, and Why?
  • The Anatomical Society Core Embryology Syllabus for undergraduate medicine
  • Undergraduate Medical Students' Usage and Perceptions of Anatomical Case-Based Learning: Comparison of Facilitated Small Group Discussions and eLearning Resources
  • Guidelines for the development of multiple choice items & assessments.
  • 21st Century Anatomists: Social Media Use in Anatomy Education and Research
  • A Systematic Review of the Educational Effectiveness of Simulation Used in Open Surgery
  • On the importance of integrating comparative anatomy and One Health perspectives in anatomy education
  • Is a picture worth a thousand words: An analysis of the difficulty and discrimination parameters of illustrated vs. text-alone vignettes in histology multiple choice questions Assessment and evaluation of admissions, knowledge, skills and attitudes
  • Out of sight, out of mind: Do repeating students overlook online course components?
  • The future of online testing and assessment: question quality in MOOCs
  • What Questions are MOOCs asking? An Evidence-Based Investigation
  • Evaluation of MCQs from MOOCs for common item writing flaws
  • Examination of osteoarthritis and subchondral bone alterations within the stifle joint of an ovariectomised ovine model
  • Subchondral structural changes in the proximal tibia in an ovariectomised ovine model
  • Subchondral osteopenia and accelerated bone remodelling post-ovariectomy - a possible mechanism for subchondral microfractures in the aetiology of spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee?
  • Association of intraoperative splanchnic hypoperfusion with heightened acute phase response, increased intestinal permeability and downregulation of monocyte function
  • Laparoscopically assisted reversal of Hartmann's procedure revisited
  • Quantitative intracellular cytokine measurement: Age-related changes in proinflammatory cytokine production

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Co-workers & collaborators

Fergal O'Brien

Fergal O'Brien

Orlaith Brennan

Orlaith Brennan

Clive Lee

Clive Lee

Jane Holland's public data