
Jake Brooker

Post-doctoral research associate (Biological sciences; Psychology)


  • Fellatio among male sanctuary-living chimpanzees during a period of social tension
  • Primate empathy: A flexible and multi-componential phenomenon
  • An investigation of the auditory perception of western lowland gorillas in an enrichment study
  • Chimpanzees are not pets, no matter what social media tells you
  • The expression of empathy in human's closest relatives, bonobos and chimpanzees: current and future directions
  • Within-species variation eclipses between-species differences in Pan consolation
  • ChimpanSEE, ChimpanDO: Grooming and play contagion in chimpanzees
  • Getting to the bottom of social learning: Chimpanzees copy arbitrary behavior from conspecifics
  • Factors shaping socio-emotional trajectories in sanctuary-living bonobos: a longitudinal approach

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Co-workers & collaborators

Zanna Clay

Zanna Clay

Stephanie Kordon

Stephanie Kordon

Jake Brooker's public data