
Heather Wright

Graduate student (Earth sciences; Environmental sciences)

Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn

Research interests: time series analysis ecological statistics oceanography plankton ecology I'm interested in understanding the long term dynamics of the plankton community in the Gulf of Naples. Since 1984, the zoological station Anton Dohrn has maintained a regular time series sampling the plankton and water column conditions. My current work explores the long term changes in plankton phenology. The previous thesis work listed on this site was work I conducted for my MSc. in biology (2010) where I explored the biogeography of marine cyanobacteria populations Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus in the Patagonian Shelf break region. These results are in a manuscript draft. Please contact me if you're interested in my research or would like to collaborate! heather(dot)wright(at)szn(dot)it

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