
Hassan Banaruee


  • Learners’ Factors in L2 Reading Comprehension
  • Corrective Feedback and Personality Type: A Case Study of Iranian L2 Learners
  • the role of emotional intelligence in community language teaching: a case study of Iranian intermediate L2 learners
  • Partial vs. Full Abstract Classes: A Review of Glucksberg’s Class-Inclusion Model of Metaphor Comprehension
  • Personality Type and Performance on Listening Tests: A Study of Correlation between Personality Traits and Performance on “Listening for Gist” and “Minimal Pairs”
  • Representational transformation: A facilitative process of understanding
  • Critical Evaluation of the New Headway Advanced and the ILI Advanced Series: A Comparison of Curricular Components and CLT Objectives Based on ACTFL
  • Metadiscourse Markers in Pure Mathematics Textbooks
  • An algebraic perspective on abstract and concrete domains
  • A cognitive perspective on basic generic metaphors and their specific-level realizations
  • Abstract and Concrete Representations in Structure-Mapping and Class-Inclusion
  • Recasts vs. direct corrective feedback on writing performance of high school EFL learners
  • Reasons behind using metaphor: A cognitive perspective on metaphoric language
  • A Neuropsychological Perspective on Deep or Abstract Homogeneity Among Concretely Different Systems
  • Suppression in metaphor comprehension: A perspective from distributed models of conceptual representation
  • Abstract metaphorical classes: A perspective from distributed models of conceptual representations
  • Why are motions effective in describing emotions?
  • Isomorphism: Abstract and Concrete Representations
  • Several Reasons behind Using Metaphor: A Cognitive Perspective on Metaphoric Language
  • The Role of Motion Concepts in Understanding Non-Motion Concepts
  • Suppression of semantic features in metaphor comprehension
  • A Multi-Lab Test of the Facial Feedback Hypothesis by The Many Smiles Collaboration
  • Types of metaphors and mechanisms of comprehension
  • A Study of the Use of Iconic and Metaphoric Gestures with Motion-Based, Static Space-Based, Static Object-Based, and Static Event-Based Statements
  • The Impact of Manner Adverb on the Gestural Embodiment of Actions Described by Literal and Metaphoric Sentences
  • Gestural Embodiment of Intensifiers in Iconic, Metaphoric, and Beat Gestures
  • The challenge of psychological processes in language acquisition: A systematic review
  • Understanding perceptual change as a movement in literal and metaphorical sentences
  • How emotions are metaphorically embodied: measuring hand and head action strengths of typical emotional states
  • Distributed embodiment of metaphorical hope in hand, head, and eyebrow gestures
  • Culture in English Language Teaching: A curricular evaluation of English textbooks for foreign language learners
  • Metaphors of time across cultures
  • A Review of Studies Supporting Metaphorical Embodiment
  • Are metaphorical classes essentially abstract?
  • Gestural embodiment of spatial schematic information in motion-based and static space-based metaphors
  • Revisiting the competition model: From formation to pedagogical implications
  • Distributed embodiment of the Persian term dæqi:qæn in forward gestures
  • Embodiment and gestural realization of ergative verbs
  • Motion events in English textbooks: a cross-linguistic analysis of Path
  • Effectiveness of One-way and Two-way Tasks in ESP Writing Courses
  • Metaphors across cultures

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