
Harriet Ibbett


  • Conserving a globally threatened species in a semi-natural, agrarian landscape
  • Detecting deterrence from patrol data
  • Asking sensitive questions using the Unmatched Count Technique: Applications and guidelines for conservation
  • Conservation publications and their provisions to protect research participants
  • Integrating models of human behaviour between the individual and population levels to inform conservation interventions
  • Ethical considerations when conservation research involves people
  • Chapter 5: Understanding local resource users' behaviour, perspectives and priorities to underpin conservation practice
  • Experimentally assessing the effect of search effort on snare detectability
  • Estimating hunting prevalence and reliance on wild meat in Cambodia's Eastern Plains
  • Experimental validation of specialized questioning techniques in conservation
  • Topic sensitivity still affects honest responding, even when specialized questioning techniques are used
  • A mixed methods approach for measuring topic sensitivity in conservation

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Co-workers & collaborators

Freya St John

Freya St John

Leejiah Dorward

Leejiah Dorward

Harriet Ibbett's public data