
Eugénio Rodrigues

Junior Researcher (Building science, technologies and systems)

Coimbra, Portugal


  • Rodrigues, E., Gaspar, A. R., & Gomes, Á. (2013). An approach to the multi-level space allocation problem in architecture using a hybrid evolutionary technique. Automation in Construction, 35, 482–498.
  • Rodrigues, E., Gaspar, A. R., & Gomes, Á. (2013). An evolutionary strategy enhanced with a local search technique for the space allocation problem in architecture, Part 2: Validation and performance tests. Computer-Aided Design, 45(5), 898–910.
  • Rodrigues, E., Gaspar, A. R., & Gomes, Á. (2013). An evolutionary strategy enhanced with a local search technique for the space allocation problem in architecture, Part 1: Methodology. Computer-Aided Design, 45(5), 887–897.
  • Rodrigues, E., Gaspar, A. R., & Gomes, Á. (2014). Automated approach for design generation and thermal assessment of alternative floor plans. Energy and Buildings, 81, 170–181.
  • Rodrigues, E., Gaspar, A. R., & Gomes, Á. (2014). Improving thermal performance of automatically generated floor plans using a geometric variable sequential optimization procedure. Applied Energy, 132, 200–215.
  • Rodrigues, E., Amaral, A. R., Gaspar, A. R., & Gomes, Á. (2015). How reliable are geometry-based building indices as thermal performance indicators? Energy Conversion and Management, 101, 561–578.
  • Amaral, A. R., Rodrigues, E., Gaspar, A. R., & Gomes, Á. (2016). A thermal performance parametric study of window type, orientation, size and shadowing effect. Sustainable Cities and Society, 26, 456–465.
  • Rodrigues, E., Sousa-Rodrigues, D., Teixeira de Sampayo, M., Gaspar, A. R., Gomes, Á., & Henggeler Antunes, C. (2017). Clustering of architectural floor plans: A comparison of shape representations. Automation in Construction, 80, 48–65.
  • Soares, N., Bastos, J., Pereira, L. D., Soares, A., Amaral, A. R., Asadi, E., … Gaspar, A. R. (2017). A review on current advances in the energy and environmental performance of buildings towards a more sustainable built environment. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 77, 845–860.
  • Rodrigues, E., Soares, N., Fernandes, M. S., Gaspar, A. R., Gomes, Á., & Costa, J. J. (2018). An integrated energy performance-driven generative design methodology to foster modular lightweight steel framed dwellings in hot climates. Energy for Sustainable Development, 44, 21–36.
  • Rodrigues, E., Gomes, Á., Gaspar, A. R., & Henggeler Antunes, C. (2018). Estimation of renewable energy and built environment-related variables using neural networks – A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 94, 959–988.
  • Soares, N., Martins, A. G., Carvalho, A. L., Caldeira, C., Du, C., Castanheira, É., … Garcia, R. (2018). The challenging paradigm of interrelated energy systems towards a more sustainable future. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 95, 171–193.
  • Rodrigues, E., Fernandes, M. S., Soares, N., Gomes, Á., Gaspar, A. R., & Costa, J. J. (2018). The potential impact of low thermal transmittance construction on the European design guidelines of residential buildings. Energy and Buildings.
  • Amaral, A. R., Rodrigues, E., Rodrigues Gaspar, A., & Gomes, Á. (2018). Review on performance aspects of Nearly Zero-Energy Districts. Sustainable Cities and Society, 43, 406-420.
  • Fernandes, M., Rodrigues, E., Gaspar, A.R., Costa, J.J., Gomes, Á. (2019). The impact of thermal transmittance variation on building design in the Mediterranean region. Applied Energy, (239) 581–597. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.01.239.
  • Daylight Modelling of a Portuguese Baroque Library
  • Analysis of Climate Change Impact on the Energy Performance of Small Dwellings Located in Porto
  • A Survey on the Impact of Energy and Buildings Sustainability Initiatives in University Campuses
  • Developments of a BIM Add-on Tool for Deep Renovation of Buildings
  • A parametric study on window-to-floor ratio of double window glazing and its shadowing using dynamic simulation
  • GerAPlanO – A new building design tool: design generation, thermal assessment and performance optimization
  • Online survey for collective clustering of computer generated architectural floor plans
  • A parametric study on window-to-floor ratio of three window types using dynamic simulation
  • Contributions of natural ventilation on thermal performance of alternative floor plan designs
  • Automated Floor Plan Design: Generation, Simulation, and Optimization
  • A gradient descent technique coupled with a dynamic simulation to determine the near optimum orientation of floor plan designs
  • Evolutionary strategy enhanced with a local search technique for the space allocation problem in architecture
  • An approach to urban quarter design using building generative design and thermal performance optimization
  • A thermal performance parametric study of window type, orientation, size and shadowing effect
  • A review on current advances in the energy and environmental performance of buildings towards a more sustainable built environment
  • Overheating risk in Mediterranean residential buildings: Comparison of current and future climate scenarios
  • Simulating large-scale 3d cadastral dataset using procedural modelling
  • Sobre as cónicas nas suas valências perceptiva e científica na antiguidade clássica grega
  • An evolutionary strategy enhanced with a local search technique for the space allocation problem in architecture, Part 2: Validation and performance tests
  • Clustering of architectural floor plans: A comparison of shape representations
  • Improving thermal performance of automatically generated floor plans using a geometric variable sequential optimization procedure
  • An evolutionary strategy enhanced with a local search technique for the space allocation problem in architecture, Part 1: Methodology
  • An approach to the multi-level space allocation problem in architecture using a hybrid evolutionary technique
  • Automated approach for design generation and thermal assessment of alternative floor plans
  • The challenging paradigm of interrelated energy systems towards a more sustainable future
  • Crowdsourced clustering of computer generated floor plans
  • An integrated energy performance-driven generative design methodology to foster modular lightweight steel framed dwellings in hot climates
  • Estimation of renewable energy and built environment-related variables using neural networks – A review
  • How reliable are geometry-based building indices as thermal performance indicators?
  • The potential impact of low thermal transmittance construction on the European design guidelines of residential buildings
  • Review on performance aspects of nearly zero-energy districts
  • Code of the tool 'JavaIDFParserCreator'
  • The impact of thermal transmittance variation on building design in the Mediterranean region
  • Future Weather Generator -- Morphs current weather for performance simulation of buildings in the future
  • Code of the tool 'Future Weather Generator'
  • Website of the CLING -- Climate change-based building design guidelines
  • Thermal transmittance effect on energy consumption of Mediterranean buildings with different thermal mass
  • A new wind direction-driven heat convection model is needed in dynamic simulation: What, why, and how
  • Performance-based design of multi-story buildings for a sustainable urban environment: A case study
  • Daylighting simulation of a heritage building by comparing matrix methods and solar models
  • A review of the energy implications of passive building design and active measures under climate change in the Middle East
  • Lessons from unsuccessful energy and buildings sustainability actions in university campus operations
  • Energy performance factors in wastewater treatment plants: A review
  • Estimation of classrooms occupancy using a multi-layer perceptron
  • Generation of a Reference Dataset with Twenty Low-Income Single-Family Houses in Fortaleza, Brazil and Thermal Discomfort Assessment
  • An Aiding Tool for Building Design Generation, Thermal Assessment and Optimization – EnergyPlus Interaction Overview
  • Energy and Water Consumption Characterization of Portuguese Indoor Swimming Pools
  • The contribution of ventilation on the energy performance of small residential buildings in the Mediterranean region
  • A review of empirical data of sustainability initiatives in university campus operations
  • Analysis of Specific Energy Consumption of Wastewater Treatment Plants in the North of Portugal

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