Emilio Notti
Mechanical engineer, fishery technologist (Engineering; Environmental engineering not elsewhere classified; Engineering design; Maritime engineering not elsewhere classified; Mechanical engineering not elsewhere classified)
Ancona, Italy
- Feasibility study for PIXE and neutron beam techniques on fishing nets made of polymeric materials
- Overall efficiency assessment of a trawler propulsion system based on hydrodynamic performance computations
- EfficientShip: A case study for the implementation of ORC technology onboard European fishing vessels
- Towards sustainable fisheries management: A perspective of fishing technology weaknesses and opportunities with a focus on the mediterranean fisheries
- Preliminary design of the hybrid propulsion architecture for the research vessel "G. Dallaporta"
- Towards sustainable fisheries management in emerging markets: An overview of properties, gaps and opportunities in Egypt
- The influence of twine tenacity, thickness and bending stiffness on codend selectivity
- Old info for a new Fisheries Policy: Discard ratios and lengths at discarding in EU Mediterranean bottom trawl fisheries
- Otterboard hydrodynamic performance testing in flume tank and wind tunnel facilities
- Impact assessment of EMFF measures on Good Environmental Status (GES) as defined by Italy
- Propulsion system improvement for trawlers
- A bond graph approach to improve the energy efficiency of ships
- E-audit: Energy use in Italian fishing vessels
- Fuel saving and emission reduction in fisheries: Results of the experimentation of a new magnetic device onboard fishing vessel
- Holistic modeling of the global propulsion energy index in waves for small craft
- Testing otter board hydrodynamic performances in wind tunnel facilities
- Energy efficiency in fishing: Are magnetic devices useful for use in fishing vessels?
- Assessment of the Relative Catch Performance of a Surrounding Net without the Purse Line as an Alternative to a Traditional Boat Seine in Small-Scale Fisheries
- Shrimp trap selectivity in a Mediterranean small-scale-fishery
- Effect of a lateral square-mesh panel on the catch pattern and catch efficiency in a Mediterranean bottom trawl fishery
- Energy performance evaluation for fishing vessels
- Multipurpose use of side-scan sonar technology for fisheries science
- Experimental assessment of the fouling control coating effect on the fuel consumption rate
- Design of a hybrid propulsion architecture for midsize boats
- Trawling in the Mediterranean: An Exploration of Empirical Relations Connecting Fishing Gears, Otterboards and Propulsive Characteristics of Fishing Vessels
- Energy audit and carbon footprint in trawl fisheries
- First Feeding of Cuttlefish Hatchlings: Pioneering Attempts in Captive Breeding
- Information Collection in Energy Efficiency for Fisheries (ICEEF2011)
- New hybrid diesel electric propulsion system for trawlers
- Technical-scientific analysis of the modernizations of the fishing vessels financed by the EFF funding under the EC Reg. 1198/2006
- Valutazione delle catture accidentali di specie protette nel traino pelagico (BYCATCH IV, estensione 2011)
- Monitoraggio on line per garantire l'efficienza energetica dei consumi
- Preliminary Design of the Hybrid Propulsion Architecture for the Research Vessel "G. Dallaporta"
- Audit energetici nel settore della pesca (e-Audit)
- Catch and discard composition including solutions for limitation and possible elimination of unwanted by-catches in trawl net fisheries in the Mediterranean.
- Italy: analysis of potential fishing gear and vessel design and engineering topics
- Energy Saving in Fisheries (ESIF)
- On the opportunity of improving propulsion system efficiency for Italian fishing vessels
- E-Audit: Energy use in Italian fishing vessels
- Information collection in energy efficiency for fisheries (ICEEF2012)
- Information Collection in Energy Efficiency for Fisheries (ICEEF)
- Energy efficiency analysis for Italian fishing vessels through an Energy Audit tool
- Valutazione delle catture accidentali di specie protette nel traino pelagico (BYCATCH III.bis)
- FEP Sicilia 2007-2013 - Misura 3.5 Progetti pilota cod. 10/OPI/13
- An energy audit tool for increasing fishing efficiency
- Fisheries Bycatch of Chondrichthyes
- Technical properties of purse seines targeting small pelagic species in the Adriatic Sea
- Effects of engine replacement on the fuel consumption reduction in fisheries
- Technical specifications of Mediterranean trawl gears
- EMS - Engine Electronic Monitoring System of a fishing vessel
- Energy profiling can lead to reduced fuel consumption
- Analysis of energy use in Italian fishing vessels