Eliseo Ferrer is a Spanish author, anthropologist and mythologist (Ontiñena -Huesca). He studied Information Sciences and Philosophy at the Complutense University of Madrid. He has published several books; among them, and as the most important, “Sacrifice and Drama of the Sacred King (Genealogy, anthropology and history of the myth of Christ)”, of the year 2021, where he proposes an original theory of Christianity of anthropological, textual and historical-critical character. All this from postulates of an essentialist atheism and from a methodology based on criteria of gnoseological materiality and holistic and dialectical methods. Based on the same methods, in 2023 he published “Human Sacrifices, Cannibalism and Ritual Sexuality in the Ancient World (Elements for a theory of the construction of the sacred)”.


  • Sacrificio y drama del Rey Sagrado. Genealogía, antropología e historia del mito de Cristo. Madrid 2021.
  • Autocriptica. Madrid 1989.
  • Sacrificios Humanos, Canibalismo y Sexualidad Ritual en el Mundo Antiguo. Madrid, 2023

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