Demetrius Floudas
International relations; Public policy; Artificial intelligence not elsewhere classified; International and comparative law; Legal systems; Comparative law; European Union law; International trade and investment law; Public international law; Space, maritime and aviation law; Legal practice, lawyering and the legal profession; Legal institutions (incl. courts and justice systems); Private law and civil obligations not elsewhere classified; Ethical use of new technology
- A name for a conflict or a conflict for a name? An analysis of Greece's dispute with fyrom
- 'Η Συμφωνία των Πρεσπών: Αναπόφευκτη, επώδυνη, τελεσίδικη΄ - Δημοκρατία - 9 Φεβ 2019 [The Prespa Agreement: Inevitable, lamentable, irreversible - Dimokratia - 9 Feb 2019], p. 11. ...
- "Κατανοώντας το Νεο-Μακεδονικό" [Understanding the neo-Macedonian question]: Insider.gr Opinions. January 2019 ...
- A Proposed Taxonomy for the Evolutionary Stages of Artificial Intelligence: Towards a Periodisation of the Machine Intellect Era ...
- 1996 onwards: lowering the barriers further
- The Greek Financial Crisis 2010: Chimerae and Pandaemonium
- Some Thoughts on NAFTA and Trade Integration in the American Continent
- Some Aspects of Liability for Defective Products in England, France and Greece After Directive 85/374/EEC
- Voting for Europe
- Russian Banking Sector Report
- Russian Soft Power and the West
- Pardon? A Conflict for a Name
- The extraterritorial application of European Competition Law
- 'Pardon? A Conflict for a Name?' FYROM’s Dispute with Greece Revisited
- Evaluating the Function of the Public-Private Law distinction in European Administrative law: A Comparative Enquiry
- Explaining the Limited Impact of Sanctions on Russia
- 1996 onwards: Lowering the barriers further