- Storage Allocation and Accounting at SDSC
- Assessing and tracing the outcomes and impact of research infrastructures
- Allocations Awards for the NSF Cyberfrastructure Portfolio, 2004-2017
- Trestles
- Advanced user environment design and implementation on integrated multi-architecture supercomputers
- XSEDE Integration with ORCID for Research Resources
- ORCID Integration into Science Gateways
- Using XDMoD to facilitate XSEDE operations, planning and analysis
- Measuring XSEDE: Usage Metrics for the XSEDE Federation of Resources
- Measuring TeraGrid: workload characterization for a high-performance computing federation
- Deep and wide metrics for HPC resource capability and project usage
- Peer Comparison of XSEDE and NCAR Publication Data
- Cyberinfrastructure Usage Modalities on the TeraGrid
- NCAR storage accounting and analysis possibilities
- System-level monitoring of floating-point performance to improve effective system utilization
- Longitudinal user and usage patterns in the XSEDE user community
- Using data science to understand tape-based archive workloads
- National Center for Atmospheric Research storage accounting and analysis possibilities
- Estimating the Accuracy of User Surveys for Assessing the Impact of HPC Systems
- Use of accounting concepts to study research: return on investment in XSEDE, a US cyberinfrastructure service
- The Inclusive Conferences Survey: Analysis and validation of inclusivity at HPC conferences
- ACCESS Allocation Review Committee (AARC) Reviewer Manual
- ACCESS Resource Allocation Marketplace and Platform Services (RAMPS) PY1 Annual Report
- ACCESS Resource Allocation Marketplace and Platform Services (RAMPS) PY1 Annual Report
- From Vision to Evaluation: A Metrics Framework for the ACCESS Allocations Service
- XRAS at 10 Years: Allocations Software as a Service for the NSF HPC ecosystem
- Evaluating Return on Investment for Cyberinfrastructure Using the International Integrated Reporting Framework
- ACCESS Allocations PY2 Annual Report
- ACCESS Allocations PY2 Annual Report
- iCAS 2024 Presentations
- iCAS 2024 Presentations