Daniele de Rigo is an Italian scientist in the field of computational modelling for environment (Earth science and ecology) who has worked at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy (PhD in information technology, on planning and management of environmental systems) on water resources. Since 2010, he is working to support the European institutions at the science-policy interface, mainly on how vegetation, forest and soil resources interact with wildfires, pests, climate change and how this may put people at risk. He has long practiced the crafting and durable evolution of complex environmental modelling (but complexity demands some humility). His particular focus is on how to derive the solution of scientific problems from their “physical” semantics (of data and data transformations), and from the robust integration of multiple system dimensions - lest a "solution" neglects the magnitude and surprising interplay of their joint uncertainty. More at:



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Co-workers & collaborators

Giovanni Caudullo

Senior GIS analyst - Italy

Giovanni Caudullo

Daniele de Rigo's public data