- A Comparison of Denoising Algorithms for Effective Edge Detection in X-Ray Fluoroscopy
- The “Federica” Hand
- Electrodeless FSR Linear Envelope Signal for Muscle Contraction Measurement
- A Piezoresistive Array Armband With Reduced Number of Sensors for Hand Gesture Recognition
- Measurement of muscle contraction timing for prosthesis control: a comparison between electromyography and force-myography
- Biosignal-Based Human–Machine Interfaces for Assistance and Rehabilitation: A Survey
- Real-Time EMG Based Pattern Recognition Control for Hand Prostheses: A Review on Existing Methods, Challenges and Future Implementation
- A stretchable, conductive rubber sensor to detect muscle contraction for prosthetic hand control
- A Contactless Sensor for Pacemaker Pulse Detection: Design Hints and Performance Assessment
- Assessment of cervical disk prosthesis by means of video-fluoroscopy image processing
- Wearable Bluetooth Triage Healthcare Monitoring System
- A Piezoresistive Sensor to Measure Muscle Contraction and Mechanomyography
- Mechanical System Control by RGB-D Device
- Evaluation of Grip Force and Energy Efficiency of the “Federica” Hand
- Design of a 3D-Printed Hand Exoskeleton Based on Force-Myography Control for Assistance and Rehabilitation
- Efficient automated localization of ECoG electrodes in CT images via shape analysis.
- Experimental Study to Improve “Federica” Prosthetic Hand and Its Control System
- Forcecardiography: A Novel Technique to Measure Heart Mechanical Vibrations onto the Chest Wall
- A Comparison of Heart Pulsations Provided by Forcecardiography and Double Integration of Seismocardiogram
- Improvements of a Simple Piezoresistive Array Armband for Gesture Recognition
- Low Cost Analogue Front End for Electronic Stethoscopes Application with Silicone Enclosure
- Contactless Electrocatheter Tracing within Human Body via Magnetic Sensing: A Feasibility Study
- Toward a priori noise characterization for real-time edge-aware denoising in fluoroscopic devices
- A Novel Broadband Forcecardiography Sensor for Simultaneous Monitoring of Respiration, Infrasonic Cardiac Vibrations and Heart Sounds
- Detection of Aortic Valve Opening and Estimation of Pre-Ejection Period in Forcecardiography Recordings
- Study on the Activation Speed and the Energy Consumption of “Federica” Prosthetic Hand
- Respiration Monitoring via Forcecardiography Sensors
- Respiratory-Induced Amplitude Modulation of Forcecardiography Signals
- Design and Evaluation of a Low-Cost Electromechanical System to Test Dynamic Performance of Force Sensors at Low Frequencies
- Changes in Forcecardiography Heartbeat Morphology Induced by Cardio-Respiratory Interactions
- ECG-Free Heartbeat Detection in Seismocardiography Signals via Template Matching
- A smart approach to EMG envelope extraction and powerful denoising for human–machine interfaces
- Heartbeat Detection in Gyrocardiography Signals without Concurrent ECG Tracings
- ECG-Free Heartbeat Detection in Seismocardiography and Gyrocardiography Signals Provides Acceptable Heart Rate Variability Indices in Healthy and Pathological Subjects
- Real-Time Implementation of a Frequency Shifter for Enhancement of Heart Sounds Perception on VLIW DSP Platform
- A pre-processing tool to increase performance of deep learning-based CAD in digital breast Tomosynthesis
- Accurate Localization of First and Second Heart Sounds via Template Matching in Forcecardiography Signals
- A Narrowband IoT Personal Sensor for Long-Term Heart Rate Monitoring and Atrial Fibrillation Detection
- A piezoresistive sensor to measure muscle contraction and mechanomyography
- Low-Cost High-Voltage Power Supply for Hydraulically Amplified Self-Healing Electrostatic Applications
- A New, Simple Wrist-Mounted PVDF Sensor for Continuous Heart Rate Monitoring
- Experimental study to improve “federica” prosthetic hand and its control system
- Respiration monitoring via forcecardiography sensors
- Evaluation of grip force and energy efficiency of the “federica” hand
- Forcecardiography: A novel technique to measure heart mechanical vibrations onto the chest wall
- The “federica” hand
- Real-time EMG based pattern recognition control for hand prostheses: A review on existing methods, challenges and future implementation
- Study on the activation speed and the energy consumption of “federica” prosthetic hand
- A contactless sensor for pacemaker pulse detection: Design hints and performance assessment
- Mechanical system control by rgb-d device
- Biosignal‐based human–machine interfaces for assistance and rehabilitation: A survey
- Wearable bluetooth triage healthcare monitoring system
- Efficient automated localization of ECoG electrodes in CT images via shape analysis
- Measurement of muscle contraction timing for prosthesis control: A comparison between electromyography and force-myography
- A piezoresistive array armband with reduced number of sensors for hand gesture recognition
- Improvements of a simple piezoresistive array armband for gesture recognition
- Minimal Forcemyography Human-Machine Interface for Hand Gesture Recognition