- Treatment and prevention of acute and recurrent ankle sprain: an overview of systematic reviews with meta-analysis
- Inter-joint coordination strategies during unilateral stance 6-months following first-time lateral ankle sprain.
- Quantification of postural control deficits in patients with recent concussion: An inertial-sensor based approach
- Prediction Equations for Marathon Performance: A Systematic Review.
- Devising a pace-based definition for ‘The Wall’: An observational analysis of marathoners’ subjective experiences of fatigue.
- An evaluation of the training determinants of marathon performance: a meta-analysis with meta-regression
- Clinical Tests Have Limited Predictive Value for Chronic Ankle Instability When Conducted in the Acute Phase of a First-Time Lateral Ankle Sprain Injury
- Single-leg drop landing movement strategies in participants with chronic ankle instability compared with lateral ankle sprain ‘copers’
- Dynamic balance deficits in individuals with chronic ankle instability compared to ankle sprain copers 1 year after a first-time lateral ankle sprain injury
- Lower extremity coordination and symmetry patterns during a drop vertical jump task following acute ankle sprain.
- Lower extremity function during gait in participants with first time acute lateral ankle sprain compared to controls.
- Single-leg drop landing movement strategies 6 months following first-time acute lateral ankle sprain injury.
- Postural control strategies during single limb stance following acute lateral ankle sprain.
- Single-leg drop landing motor control strategies following acute ankle sprain injury.
- Wearable Inertial Sensor Systems for Lower Limb Exercise Detection and Evaluation: A Systematic Review
- Clinical assessment of acute lateral ankle sprain injuries (ROAST): 2019 consensus statement and recommendations of the International Ankle Consortium
- Developing consensus on clinical assessment of acute lateral ankle sprain injuries: Protocol for an international and multidisciplinary modified Delphi process
- Sex differences in sagittal plane control emerge during adolescent growth: a prospective investigation
- A laboratory captured “giving way” episode in an individual with chronic ankle instability
- Headache- and Dizziness-Specific Health-Related Quality-of-Life Impairments Persist for 1 in 4 Amateur Athletes Who Are Cleared to Return to Sporting Activity Following Sport-Related Concussion: A Prospective Matched-Cohort Study.
- Participation in pre-injury level sport one-year following sport-related concussion: A prospective, matched cohort study
- Clinical Detection and Recovery of Vestibular and Oculomotor Impairments Among Amateur Athletes Following Sport-Related Concussion: A Prospective, Matched-Cohort Study
- Rehabilitation Exercises Reduce Reinjury Post Ankle Sprain, But the Content and Parameters of an Optimal Exercise Program Have Yet to Be Established: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- 139 Single-question athlete self report measures in team sport athlete monitoring, and their relationship with training load: a systematic review and narrative synthesis
- Quantification of postural control deficits in patients with recent concussion: an inertial-sensor based approach
- 196 Clinical symptoms and condition-specific health-related quality of life impairments in amateur athletes following return-to-activity after sport-related concussion: a prospective, matched-cohort study
- Longitudinal Vestibular and Oculomotor Impairments Among Amateur Athletes 1 Year Following Sport-Related Concussion: A Prospective Follow-Up.
- The Determinants of Marathon Performance: An Observational Analysis of Anthropometric, Pre-race and In-race Variables.
- Single-Item Self-Report Measures of Team-Sport Athlete Wellbeing and Their Relationship With Training Load: A Systematic Review.
- Wearable sensing and mobile devices: the future of post-concussion monitoring?
- Physiotherapists’ Use of Web-Based Information Resources to Fulfill Their Information Needs During a Theoretical Examination: Randomized Crossover Trial (Preprint)
- Coordination and symmetry patterns during the drop vertical jump, 6-months after first-time lateral ankle sprain
- Locomotive biomechanics in persons with chronic ankle instability and lateral ankle sprain copers
- Inter-joint coordination strategies during unilateral stance following first-time, acute lateral ankle sprain: A brief report
- Lower limb interjoint postural coordination one year after first-time lateral ankle sprain
- Recovery from a First-Time Lateral Ankle Sprain and the Predictors of Chronic Ankle Instability
- Gait Biomechanics in Participants, Six Months after First-time Lateral Ankle Sprain
- Clinical assessment of countermovement jump landing kinematics in early adolescence: Sex differences and normative values
- Dynamic balance deficits 6 months following first-time acute lateral ankle sprain: A laboratory analysis
- A longitudinal investigation into the progression of dynamic postural stability performance in adolescents
- Coordination and symmetry patterns during the drop vertical jump in people with chronic ankle instability and lateral ankle sprain copers
- Laboratory measures of postural control during the star excursion balance test after acute first-time lateral ankle sprain
- Infographic. International Ankle Consortium Rehabilitation-Oriented Assessment
- Concussed athletes walk slower than non-concussed athletes during cognitive-motor dual-task assessments but not during single-task assessments 2 months after sports concussion: a systematic review and meta-analysis using individual participant data
- Concussion is associated with altered preparatory postural adjustments during gait initiation.
- Two-dimensional knee valgus displacement as a predictor of patellofemoral pain in adolescent females
- Physiotherapists’ Use of Web-Based Information Resources to Fulfill Their Information Needs During a Theoretical Examination: Randomized Crossover Trial
- ‘WP2Cochrane’, a tool linking Wikipedia to the Cochrane Library: Results of a bibliometric analysis evaluating article quality and importance
- Using functional movement tests to investigate the presence of sensorimotor impairment in amateur athletes following sport-related concussion: A prospective, longitudinal study
- Condition-specific health-related quality of life amongst amateur athletes six months and one-year following sport-related concussion: A prospective, follow-up
- Balance failure in single limb stance due to ankle sprain injury: an analysis of center of pressure using the fractal dimension method.
- The incidence and prevalence of ankle sprain injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective epidemiological studies.
- Joint mobilization acutely improves landing kinematics in chronic ankle instability.
- Dynamic postural stability in young adolescent male and female athletes.
- An investigation into the relationship between multimedia lecture design and learners’ engagement behaviours using web log analysis
- Using web log analysis to evaluate healthcare students’ engagement behaviours with multimedia lectures on YouTube
- Keeping People Active and Healthy at Home Using a Reinforcement Learning-based Fitness Recommendation Framework
- Breaking down the Digital Fortress: The Unseen Challenges in Healthcare Technology—Lessons Learned from 10 Years of Research
- Keeping Pace with Wearables: A Living Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews Evaluating the Accuracy of Consumer Wearable Technologies in Health Measurement
- The Validity of Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2 for Serial Measurements of Heart Rate Variability and Resting Heart Rate
- An Evaluation of the Design of Multimedia Patient Education Materials in Musculoskeletal Health Care: Systematic Review (Preprint)
- An Evaluation of the Design of Multimedia Patient Education Materials in Musculoskeletal Health Care: Systematic Review
- Machine learning approaches to injury risk prediction in sport:a scoping review with evidence synthesis
- An Evaluation of the Effect of App-Based Exercise Prescription Using Reinforcement Learning on Satisfaction and Exercise Intensity: Randomized Crossover Trial