Björn W. Schuller received his diploma in 1999, his doctoral degree for his study on Automatic Speech and Emotion Recognition in 2006, and his habilitation (fakultas docendi) and was entitled Adjunct Teaching Professor (venia legendi) in the subject area of Signal Processing and Machine Intelligence for his work on Intelligent Audio Analysis in 2012 all in electrical engineering and information technology from TUM in Munich/Germany. At present, he is Full Professor and head of the Chair of Complex and Intelligent Systems at the University of Passau/Germany where he previously headed the Chair of Sensor Systems in 2013. At the same time he is a Reader (Associate Professor) in Machine Learning in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London/UK since 2015, being a Senior Lecturer since 2013. Further, he is the co-founding CEO of audEERING GmbH – a TUM start-up on intelligent audio engineering.



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Siddique Latif

Siddique Latif

Junaid Qadir

Professor - Pakistan

Junaid Qadir

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