
Bianca Charbonneau

Ecologist (Ecology not elsewhere classified)



  • Reactionary fence installation for post-Superstorm Sandy dune recovery
  • Wind tunnel tests inform Ammophila planting spacing for dune management
  • What we know and what we think we know: Revealing misconceptions about coastal management for sandy beaches along the U.S. Atlantic Seaboard
  • A decade of expansion of the invasive plant Carex kobomugi in a coastal foredune system
  • A Review of Dunes in Today's Society
  • Above vs. belowground plant biomass along a barrier island: Implications for dune stabilization
  • A species effect on storm erosion: Invasive sedge stabilized dunes more than native grass during Hurricane Sandy
  • Greenhouse Growth of Native American Beachgrass (Ammophila breviligulata) and Invasive Asiatic Sand Sedge (Carex kobomugi) Under Competition
  • Advancing the understanding of storm processes and impacts
  • From the sand they rise: Post-storm foredune plant recolonization and its biogeomorphic implications
  • Wind tunnel tests of how coastal plants feedback on dune shape
  • Vegetation effects on coastal foredune initiation: Wind tunnel experiments and field validation for three dune-building plants
  • Spatial Diversity in Bacterial Communities across Barren and Vegetated, Native and Invasive, Coastal Dune Microhabitats
  • Examining the commonalities and knowledge gaps in coastal zone vegetation simulation models

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Co-workers & collaborators

Elsemarie deVries Mullins

Elsemarie deVries Mullins

Bianca Charbonneau's public data