
Ata Chizari

Post doc at the university of Twente (Photonics, optoelectronics and optical communications; Classical and physical optics; Optical technology)

Enschede, The Netherlands

Ata Chizari was born in Tehran, Iran, in 1990. He received the B.Sc. degree (Hons.) in electronics from Tafresh University in 2013 and the M.Sc. degree (Hons.) in communications systems from Shahid Beheshti University in 2015. From 2014 to 2016, he served as a Research Assistant with the Optical Networks Research Laboratory, Sharif University of Technology. In 2021 he received his Ph.D. degree in biomedical optics from The University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands where he is pursuing his postdoctoral research. His research interests include biomedical optics, near Infrared imaging, optical wireless communication and positioning, and metamaterials.

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