

  • Imprinting, latchment and displacement: a mini review of early instinctual behaviour in newborn infants influencing breastfeeding success
  • Projection Pursuit
  • An atlas of personality, emotion and behaviour
  • 114 Cognitive impairment in the community: a 16-month audit study of a neurology memory clinic in the inner sydney region
  • 117 Employment-activity status and multidisciplinary care engagement in patients with newly diagnosed dementia: a 16-month audit study within an inner sydney community neurology clinic
  • Episodic memory deficits are associated with impaired insight in traumatic encephalopathy syndrome: Initial findings of the SNAP-CTE study
  • A social science trust taxonomy with emergent vectors and symmetry
  • Music communicates social emotions: Evidence from 750 music excerpts
  • Music communicates social emotions

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