- MHC class II tetramers identify peptide-specific human CD4+ T cells proliferating in response to influenza A antigen
- Methods of MHC class II epitope mapping, detection of autoimmune T cells and antigens, and autoimmune treatment
- Co-transcription of orf25 and coxIII in rice mitochondria
- Novel combination of sorafenib and biochanin-A synergistically enhances the anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects on hepatocellular carcinoma cells
- Use of class II tetramers for identification of CD4+ T cells
- Distinct T cell interactions with HLA class II tetramers characterize a spectrum of TCR affinities in the human antigen-specific T cell response
- HLA-DQ tetramers identify epitope-specific T cells in peripheral blood of herpes simplex virus type 2-infected individuals: direct detection of immunodominant antigen-responsive cells
- Detection of GAD65-Specific T-Cells by Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II Tetramers in Type 1 Diabetic Patients and At-Risk Subjects
- Behavioral flexibility is increased by optogenetic inhibition of neurons in the nucleus accumbens shell during specific time segments
- Tetramer-guided epitope mapping: rapid identification and characterization of immunodominant CD4+ T cell epitopes from complex antigens
- Rapid epitope identification from complex class-II-restricted T-cell antigens
- β57-Asp plays an essential role in the unique SDS stability of HLA-DQA1* 0102/DQB1* 0602 αβ protein dimer, the class II MHC allele associated with protection from insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
- Knot/Collier and cut control different aspects of dendrite cytoskeleton and synergize to define final arbor shape
- Activated human epitope-specific T cells identified by class II tetramers reside within a CD4high, proliferating subset
- Multiplex mapping of CD4 T cell epitopes using class II tetramers
- Mutational analysis of critical residues determining antigen presentation and activation of HLA-DQ0602 restricted T-cell clones
- Exceptional stability of the HLA-DQA1* 0102/DQB1* 0602 αβ protein dimer, the class II MHC molecule associated with protection from insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
- A Streamlined Method for the Preparation of Gelatin Embedded Brains and Simplified Organization of Sections for Serial Reconstructions
- Streamlined Sampling and Cultivation of the Pelagic Cosmopolitan Larvacean, Oikopleura dioica
- Expression of HLA-DP0401 Molecules for Identification of DP0401 Restricted Antigen Specific T Cells
- Cytotoxic herpes simplex type 2-specific, DQ0602-restricted CD4+ T-cell clones show alloreactivity to DQ0601
- Cholinergic interneurons in the rat striatum modulate substitution of habits
- Methods of MHC class II epitope mapping, detection of autoimmune t cells and antigens, and autoimmune treatment
- Centromere-specific antibody-mediated karyotyping of Okinawan Oikopleura dioica suggests the presence of three chromosomes
- New Variations for Strategy Set-shifting in the Rat
- The nucleus accumbens and inhibition in the ventral tegmental area play a causal role in the Kamin blocking effect
- Role of striatal cholinergic interneurons in set-shifting in the rat
- H3S28P Antibody Staining of Okinawan Oikopleura dioica Suggests the Presence of Three Chromosomes [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]
- Telomere-to-telomere assembly of the genome of an individual Oikopleura dioica from Okinawa using Nanopore-based sequencing
- Suppressed eusocial reproduction supports evolutionary convergence over co-option
- Automated phenol-chloroform extraction of high molecular weight genomic DNA for use in long-read single-molecule sequencing.
- Automated phenol-chloroform extraction of high molecular weight genomic DNA for use in long-read single-molecule sequencing [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]
- The nucleus accumbens and inhibition in the ventral tegmental area play a causal role in the Kamin blocking effect
- Aspergillus nidulans protoplast isolation for transfections v1
- The cosmopolitan appendicularian Oikopleura dioica reveals hidden genetic diversity around the globe
- The cosmopolitan appendicularian Oikopleura dioica reveals hidden genetic diversity around the globe
- Extreme genome scrambling in crypticOikopleura dioicaspecies
- Extreme genome scrambling in marine planktonicOikopleura dioicacryptic species