
Andrea Santangeli

Postdoctoral researcher (Biological sciences; Environmental sciences)



  • Ecological barriers mediate spatiotemporal shifts of bird communities
  • Corrigendum to “Positive impacts of important bird and biodiversity areas on wintering waterbirds under changing temperatures throughout Europe and North Africa” [Biol. Conserv. 246 (2020) 108549] (Biological Conservation (2020) 246, (S000632071931170X), (10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108549))
  • The Financial Return from Measuring Impact
  • Effectiveness of LED lights on bomas in protecting livestock from predation in Southern Kenya
  • Mapping the global potential exposure of soaring birds to terrestrial wind energy expansion
  • Semi-automated detection of tagged animals from camera trap images using artificial intelligence
  • First evidence of neonicotinoid residues in a long-distance migratory raptor, the European honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus)
  • Unearthing poison use and consequent anecdotal vulture mortalities in Namibia’s commercial farmland–implications for conservation§
  • Short-lived species move uphill faster under climate change
  • Wintering bird communities are tracking climate change faster than breeding communities
  • Prevalence and drivers of poison use by South African commercial farmers and perceptions of alternative livestock protection measures
  • The prevalence and correlates of anticoagulant rodenticide exposure in non-target predators and scavengers in Finland
  • Synergistic effect of land-use and vegetation greenness on vulture nestling body condition in arid ecosystems
  • Priority areas for conservation alone are not a good proxy for predicting the impact of renewable energy expansion
  • Towards evidence-based conservation of subterranean ecosystems
  • The relative contribution of camera trap technology and citizen science for estimating survival of an endangered African vulture
  • Importance of complementary approaches for efficient vulture conservation: reply to Efrat et al.
  • Presumed killers? Vultures, stakeholders, misperceptions, and fake news
  • Global synergies and trade-offs between multiple dimensions of biodiversity and ecosystem services
  • Are winter and breeding bird communities able to track rapid climate change? Lessons from the high North
  • The effects of protected areas on the ecological niches of birds and mammals
  • Priorities for research and action to prevent a New World vulture crisis
  • Ban veterinary use of diclofenac in Europe
  • Effects of flyway-wide weather conditions and breeding habitat on the breeding abundance of migratory boreal waterbirds
  • Gaps in butterfly inventory data: A global analysis
  • Protected areas act as a buffer against detrimental effects of climate change—Evidence from large-scale, long-term abundance data
  • Integrating drone-borne thermal imaging with artificial intelligence to locate bird nests on agricultural land
  • Communal farmers of Namibia appreciate vultures and the ecosystem services they provide
  • Stronger response of farmland birds than farmers to climate change leads to the emergence of an ecological trap
  • The drivers and extent of poison use by Namibia’s communal farmers: Implications for averting the African vulture crisis
  • Hair cortisol concentration in Siberian flying squirrels is unrelated to landscape and social factors
  • Organic animal farms increase farmland bird abundance in the Boreal region
  • Priority areas for vulture conservation in the Horn of Africa largely fall outside the protected area network
  • Positive impacts of important bird and biodiversity areas on wintering waterbirds under changing temperatures throughout Europe and North Africa
  • Quantifying the spatial distribution and trends of supplementary feeding sites in South Africa and their potential contribution to vulture energetic requirements
  • Priority areas for conservation of Old World vultures
  • Ecosystem services and disservices associated with vultures: A systematic review and evidence assessment
  • Increasing protected area coverage mitigates climate-driven community changes
  • Perceptions of vulture supplementary feeding site managers and potential hidden risks to avian scavengers
  • Awareness of environmental legislation as a deterrent for wildlife crime: A case with Masaai pastoralists, poison use and the Kenya Wildlife Act
  • The hidden damage of dogs to biodiversity – Dog poisoning hampers vulture conservation
  • Global raptor research and conservation priorities: Tropical raptors fall prey to knowledge gaps
  • The tragedy of the science-policy gap – Revised legislation fails to protect an endangered species in a managed boreal landscape
  • Ecological barriers mediate spatiotemporal shifts of bird communities
  • The representation potential of raptors for globally important nature conservation areas
  • Standardized reporting of the costs of management interventions for biodiversity conservation
  • Effects of high latitude protected areas on bird communities under rapid climate change
  • Effects of diversity on thermal niche variation in bird communities under climate change
  • Navigating spaces for implementing raptor research and conservation under varying levels of violence and governance in the Global South
  • Sex-specific patterns in body mass and mating system in the Siberian flying squirrel
  • Synergies and trade-offs between renewable energy expansion and biodiversity conservation – a cross-national multifactor analysis
  • Understanding, quantifying and mapping the use of poison by commercial farmers in Namibia – Implications for scavengers' conservation and ecosystem health
  • Intraguild predation and competition impacts on a subordinate predator
  • From a conservation trap to a conservation solution
  • Global change synergies and trade-offs between renewable energy and biodiversity
  • Coverage of vertebrate species distributions by Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas and Special Protection Areas in the European Union
  • Voluntary non-monetary approaches for implementing conservation
  • Identifying effective actions to guide volunteer-based and nationwide conservation efforts for a ground-nesting farmland bird
  • A call for conservation scientists to evaluate opportunities and risks from operation of vertical axis wind turbines
  • Voluntary Nonmonetary Conservation Approaches on Private Land
  • The surrogacy potential of white-tailed sea eagle nesting habitat on islands of the Baltic Sea
  • Clear-cutting decreases nest occupancy of Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus in a managed mangrove forest of Southeast Asia
  • Bridging the research implementation gap - Identifying cost-effective protection measures for Montagu's harrier nests in Spanish farmlands
  • Returning white-tailed eagles breed as successfully in landscapes under intensive forestry regimes as in protected areas
  • Winter Diet of Long-eared Owl Asio otus in a Mediterranean Fragmented Farmland
  • Integrating multi-source forest inventory and animal survey data to assess nationwide distribution and habitat correlates of the Siberian flying squirrel
  • Ineffective enforced legislation for nature conservation: A case study with Siberian flying squirrel and forestry in a boreal landscape
  • Assessing the effectiveness of different approaches to species conservation
  • Successful voluntary conservation of raptor nests under intensive forestry pressure in a boreal landscape
  • Home range size is determined by habitat composition but feeding rate by food availability in male Tengmalm's owls
  • Spring and summer habitat preferences of little bustard in an agro-pastoral area in Sardinia (Italy)
  • Density and habitat preferences of male little bustard across contrasting agro-pastoral landscapes in Sardinia (Italy)
  • Nota sullo status della gallina prataiola (Tetrax tetrax) nella Zona di Protezione Speciale Piana di Semestene, Bonorva, Macomer e Bortigali (Sardegna), 2007-2009
  • Ecological barriers mediate spatiotemporal shifts of bird communities at a continental scale
  • Alarming decline of the Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax in one of its two population strongholds in Sardinia, Italy
  • The iratebirds Citizen Science Project: a Dataset on Birds’ Visual Aesthetic Attractiveness to Humans
  • Temperature niche composition change inside and outside protected areas under climate warming
  • Temperature niche composition change inside and outside protected areas under a climate warming
  • Identifying ‘climate keystone species’ as a tool for conserving ecological communities under climate change
  • Mixed effects of a national protected area network on terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity
  • Wind energy expansion and birds: Identifying priority areas for impact avoidance at a national level
  • Bird species' tolerance to human pressures and associations with population change
  • Tracking data highlight the importance of human-induced mortality for large migratory birds at a flyway scale
  • Disentangling the complexity of climate change and land-management effects on wildlife communities
  • The global contribution of vultures towards ecosystem services and sustainability – an experts’ perspective
  • The global contribution of vultures towards ecosystem services and sustainability: An experts’ perspective
  • Large language models debunk fake and sensational wildlife news

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Co-workers & collaborators

Stefano Mammola

Stefano Mammola

Anna Haukka

Anna Haukka

Andrea Santangeli's public data