
Andrés Aparicio


  • Transformaciones del rememorador: trayectoria del desarrollo y recuerdo de eventos históricos
  • Construcción y estandarización de un instrumento de evaluación de aprendizajes esperados en educación parvularia basado en tablet
  • TENI: A comprehensive battery for cognitive assessment based on games and technology
  • ¿Pruebas Tradicionales o Evaluación Invisible a Través del Juego? Nuevas Fronteras de la Evaluación Cognitiva
  • Immobilis in mobili: performing arts, BCI, and locked-in syndrome
  • Brain affordances: an approach to design for performers with locked-in syndrome
  • Tecnoloǵia, acompañamiento psicológico y neuropsicoloǵia: tres v́ias para salir del śindrome de enclaustramiento
  • Wheels within wheels: brain-computer interfaces as tools for artistic practice as research
  • Developmental trajectories of children with Down syndrome by socio-economic status: the case of Latin America
  • Neurophysiological characteristics of acts of remembering in the process of positive ageing / Características neurofisiológicas de los actos de recuerdo en el proceso de envejecimiento positivo
  • Factors leading to effective social participation promotion interventions for people with intellectual disability: a protocol for a systematic review
  • Analysis of Home Literacy Environment in Chilean Families of Children with Down Syndrome
  • Adaptive behaviours in children with Down syndrome: A cross-sectional study of developmental trajectories
  • PaísDI : Feasibility and effectiveness of an advocacy program for adults with intellectual disability and their stakeholders' groups in Chile
  • As far as possible: The relationship between public awareness, social distance, and stigma towards people with intellectual disability
  • Still bodies: a disability-informed approach to stasis in theatre
  • PaísDI: Feasibility and effectiveness of an advocacy program for adults with intellectual disability and their stakeholders' groups in Chile
  • Developmental trajectories of children with Down syndrome by socio‐economic status: the case of Latin America
  • Care cooperatives in Uruguay, Argentina and Chile; a look at their hinderers and opportunities to achieve development
  • COVID-19’s impact on worker stress in human service organizations: The mediating role of inclusion
  • BENDI: Improving Cognitive Assessments in Toddlers and Children with Down Syndrome Using Stealth Assessment

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Co-workers & collaborators

Rodrigo Arroyo Bravo

PhD (c) in Development Sciences and Psychopathology at the Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile.

Rodrigo Arroyo Bravo

Andrés Aparicio's public data