
Alvaro Falquina Aparicio

Archaeologist (History, heritage and archaeology; Indigenous studies)

Santiago de Compostela

Graduated in History (2002), DEA in Prehistory (2005) and PhD in Archaeology (2018) from the Complutense University of Madrid, I have dedicated my professional life to collaborating in archaeological and ethnoarchaeological research projects in Spain and the Horn of Africa. From an ethnoarchaeological point of view, I have worked on the transformations of the Castilian peasant world under modernity. In my doctoral research, I carried out an ethnoarchaeology of the domestic and village space of Western Ethiopian societies. In addition, I have worked on multiple projects on the archaeology of the Spanish Civil War and Francoist repression, including exhumations of Francoist victims. My research interest in all these fields has focused on the constitution of societies and their historical change through the study of the built environment. Throughout these years, I have become interested in the political implications of archaeology in the present. Currently, I am participating as a research technician in the LEIRA project: Long-term archaeological reading on the formation of rural landscapes in the Iberian Northwest, directed by David González-Álvarez (Incipit-CSIC). I am also a participant in the ERC-2020-SyG 951631 XSCAPE Project on Material Minds: Exploring the Interactions between Predictive Brains, Cultural Artefacts, and Embodied Visual Search, directed by Felipe Criado Boado (Incipit-CSIC).


  • Arqueologías del Desarraigo.
  • Arquitecturas Salvajes. Etnoarqueología de las viviendas nilo-saharianas de Etiopía Occidental
  • Cultura material y etnicidad. Observaciones etnoarqueológicas en la región de Gambela (Etiopía).
  • In Sudan’s Eastern Borderland: Frontier Societies of the Qwara Region (ca. ad 600-1850)
  • Determination of the fracture processes of fresh bone: an analytical system of the angles of fracture planes as an indicator of biotic agents
  • A Christian Frontier: Archaeological survey of a religious landscape in Metema, NW Ethiopia (ca, 1400-1800)

Alvaro Falquina Aparicio's public data