Abi is a certified practising speech pathologist and a lecturer of Speech Pathology in the School of Allied Health Science & Practice at the University of Adelaide. She is also the school-appointed Academic Portfolio Lead for Internationalisation. She has clinical experience working across public, private, community, and education sectors, focussing on enhancing participation for people with communication access needs and creating more accessible communities. She is the Treasurer for the South Australian branch of Speech Pathology Australia and holds several advisory board positions. She was involved in the development of the Working with Autistic People- Practice Guide for the national association. Her research on gaming interventions: The Minecraft™ Project have garnered global interest, including radio interview, panel discussions, book-chapter authorships and multiple workshop and seminar presentations.


  • Profiles of vocalization change in children with autism receiving early intervention
  • Effectiveness of video-based modelling to facilitate conversational turn taking of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder who use AAC
  • Participation and social networks of school-age children with complex communication needs: A descriptive study
  • Video self-modeling is most effective when implemented alone, in a positive self-review format
  • Spoken Language Change in Children on the Autism Spectrum Receiving Community-Based Interventions
  • Developing Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems in Languages Other Than English: A Scoping Review
  • Social Media Use Training for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Pilot Study

Abirami Thirumanickam's public data