- Detection of Annual Spruce Budworm Defoliation and Severity Classification Using Landsat Imagery
- Forest Potential Productivity Mapping by Linking Remote-Sensing-Derived Metrics to Site Variables
- Structural Attributes of Old-Growth and Partially Harvested Northern White-Cedar Stands in Northeastern North America
- Evaluation of modeling strategies for assessing self-thinning behavior and carrying capacity
- Evaluation of 10-year temporal and spatial variability in structure and growth across contrasting commercial thinning treatments in spruce-fir forests of northern Maine, USA
- Influence of browsing damage and overstory cover on regeneration of American beech and sugar maple nine years following understory herbicide release in central Maine
- Hierarchical Bayesian models for small area estimation of forest variables using LiDAR
- Does commercial thinning improve stand-level growth of the three most commercially important softwood forest types in North America?
- Comparison of approaches for estimating individual tree height-diameter relationships in the Acadian forest region
- Comparison of taper functions applied to eucalypts of varying genetics in Brazil: Application and evaluation of the penalized mixed spline approach
- Multi-Objective Support Vector Regression Reduces Systematic Error in Moderate Resolution Maps of Tree Species Abundance
- Individual Tree Attribute Estimation and Uniformity Assessment in Fast-Growing Eucalyptus spp. Forest Plantations Using Lidar and Linear Mixed-Effects Models
- Above-ground carbon stock in merchantable trees not reduced between cycles of spruce budworm outbreaks due to changing species composition in spruce-fir forests of Maine, USA
- Assessing spatial and temporal dynamics of a spruce budworm outbreak across the complex forested landscape of Maine, USA
- Evolution, history, and use of stem taper equations: a review of their development, application, and implementation
- Effect magnitudes of operational-scale partial harvesting on residual tree growth and mortality of ten major tree species in Maine USA
- Relative influence of stand and site factors on aboveground live-tree carbon sequestration and mortality in managed and unmanaged forests
- Comparison of time-based versus state-space stand growth models for tropical hybrid Eucalyptus clonal plantations in Sumatera, Indonesia
- Development and comparison of various stand- and tree-level modeling approaches to predict harvest occurrence and intensity across the mixed forests in Maine, northeastern US
- Projecting complex interactions between forest harvest and succession in the northern Acadian Forest Region
- Drivers of individual tree growth and mortality in an uneven-aged, mixed-species conifer forest
- Comparing performance of contrasting distance-independent and distance-dependent competition metrics in predicting individual tree diameter increment and survival within structurally-heterogeneous, mixed-species forests of Northeastern United States
- Spruce budworm tree host species distribution and abundance mapping using multi-temporal Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite imagery
- Aboveground biomass and carbon of the highly diverse Atlantic Forest in Brazil: comparison of alternative individual tree modeling and prediction strategies
- Development of individual tree growth and yield model across multiple contrasting species using nonparametric and parametric methods in the Hyrcanian forests of northern Iran
- Understanding characteristics of forest professionals and small woodlot owners for communicating climate change adaptation
- On studying the patterns of individual-based tree mortality in natural forests: A modelling analysis
- Influence of sample selection method and estimation technique on sample size requirements for wall-to-wall estimation of volume using airborne LiDAR
- Climate and atmospheric deposition drive the inter-annual variability and long-term trend of dissolved organic carbon flux in the conterminous United States
- Ecologically-Based Metrics for Assessing Structure in Developing Area-Based, Enhanced Forest Inventories from LiDAR
- Calibrating individual tree biomass models for contrasting tropical species at an uneven-aged site in the native Atlantic Forest of Brazil: A direct comparison of alternative approaches, sample sizes, and sample selection methods
- Forest landowner harvest decisions in a new era of conservation stewardship and changing markets in Maine, USA
- Sentinel-2 based prediction of spruce budworm defoliation using red-edge spectral vegetation indices
- Development and evaluation of an individual tree growth and yield model for the mixed species forest of the Adirondacks region of New York, USA (vol 3, 2016)
- Strategies for enhancing long-term carbon sequestration in mixed-species, naturally regenerated Northern temperate forests
- Comparing strategies for representing individual-tree secondary growth in mixed-species stands in the Acadian Forest region
- Evaluating and modeling variation in site-level maximum carrying capacity of mixed-species forest stands in the Acadian Region of northeastern North America
- Site Quality, Disturbance, and Vegetation Effects on Carbon Storage and Accumulation in Old, Mixed-Species Stands in Central Maine, USA
- Forest N Dynamics after 25 years of Whole Watershed N Enrichment: The Bear Brook Watershed in Maine
- Northern mixedwood composition and productivity 50 years after whole-tree and stem-only harvesting with and without post-harvest prescribed burning
- Modelling variation and temporal dynamics of individual tree defoliation caused by spruce budworm in Maine, US and New Brunswick, Canada
- Forestry Professionals’ Perceptions of Climate Change Impacts on the Forest Industry in Maine, USA
- Evaluating the influence of stem form and damage on individual-tree diameter increment and survival in the Acadian Region: implications for predicting future value of northern commercial hardwood stands
- Synthesizing Disparate LiDAR and Satellite Datasets through Deep Learning to Generate Wall-to-Wall Regional Inventories for the Complex, Mixed-Species Forests of the Eastern United States
- Drivers of Climate Change Risk Perceptions among Diverse Forest Stakeholders in Maine, USA
- Effects of Weather Conditions on Tourism Spending: Implications for Future Trends under Climate Change
- Forest Policies and Adaptation to Climate Change in Maine: Stakeholder Perceptions and Recommendations
- Detecting White Pine Needle Damage through Satellite Remote Sensing
- Factors Affecting Operational Cost and Productivity of Ground-Based Timber Harvesting Machines: a Meta-analysis
- Role of population genetics in guiding ecological responses to climate
- Quantifying climate-growth relationships at the stand level in a mature mixed-species conifer forest
- Projected Future Distribution of Tsuga canadensis across Alternative Climate Scenarios in Maine, U.S
- Individual-Tree Competition Indices and Improved Compatibility with Stand-Level Estimates of Stem Density and Long-Term Production
- Predicting aboveground biomass with LANDIS-II: A global and temporal analysis of parameter sensitivity
- Assessing Alternative Silvicultural Prescriptions for Mid-Rotation, Unthinned, Spruce-Fir Stands in Maine
- A three decade assessment of climate-associated changes in forest composition across the north-eastern USA
- Assessing the factors influencing natural regeneration patterns in the diverse, multi-cohort, and managed forests of Maine, USA
- Factors influencing organic-horizon carbon pools in mixed-species stands of central Maine, USA
- Climate- and soil-based models of site productivity in eastern US tree species
- Evaluating the long-term influence of alternative commercial thinning regimes and harvesting systems on projected net present value of precommercially thinned spruce-fir stands in northern Maine
- Variation in stem form and risk of four commercially important hardwood species in the acadian forest: Implications for potential sawlog volume and tree classification systems
- Evaluating and modelling genus and species variation in height-to-diameter relationships for Tropical Hill Forests in Peninsular Malaysia
- Influence of Prediction Cell Size on LiDAR-Derived Area-Based Estimates of Total Volume in Mixed-Species and Multicohort Forests in Northeastern North America
- Development and evaluation of a biomass increment based index for site productivity
- Assessing the role of natural disturbance and forest management on dead wood dynamics in mixed-species stands of central Maine, USA
- Modeling forest biomass and growth: Coupling long-term inventory and LiDAR data
- Weather sensitivity and climate change perceptions of tourists: a segmentation analysis
- Effect of three partial cutting practices on stand structure and growth of residual black spruce trees in north-eastern Quebec
- Evaluating the influence of varying levels of spruce budworm defoliation on annualized individual tree growth and mortality in Maine, USA and New Brunswick, Canada
- A new method for capturing stem taper variation for trees of diverse morphological types
- An evidence-based review of timber harvesting behavior among private woodland owners
- Variation in the maximum stand density index and its linkage to climate in mixed species forests of the North American Acadian Region
- Development and evaluation of individual tree- and stand-level approaches for predicting spruce-fir response to commercial thinning in Maine, USA
- Tree-level growth and survival following commercial thinning of four major softwood species in North America
- Light absorption and light-use efficiency of juvenile white spruce trees in natural stands and plantations
- Effects of multiaged silvicultural systems on reserve tree growth 19 years after establishment across multiple species in the acadian forest in maine, USA
- Reserve tree mortality in two expanding-gap silvicultural systems 20 years after establishment in the Acadian forest of Maine, USA
- Effects of uncertainty in upper-stem diameter information on tree volume estimates
- An agent-based model of private woodland owner management behavior using social interactions, information flow, and peer-to-peer networks
- Evaluation of forest management effects on the mineral soil carbon pool of a lowland, mixed-species forest in Maine, USA
- Psychological distance of timber harvesting for private woodland owners
- Layer Stacking: A Novel Algorithm for Individual Forest Tree Segmentation from LiDAR Point Clouds
- Implications of land-use change on forest carbon stocks in the eastern United States
- A call to improve methods for estimating tree biomass for regional and national assessments
- Linking annual tree growth with eddy-flux measures of net ecosystem productivity across twenty years of observation in a mixed conifer forest
- Long-term influence of alternative forest management treatments on total ecosystem and wood product carbon storage
- Occurrence, pattern of change, and factors associated with American beech-dominance in stands of the northeastern USA forest
- Even low levels of spruce budworm defoliation affect mortality and ingrowth but net growth is more driven by competition
- Improved accuracy of aboveground biomass and carbon estimates for live trees in forests of the eastern United States
- Development and evaluation of an individual tree growth and yield model for the mixed species forest of the Adirondacks Region of New York, USA
- Variation in occurrence and extent of internal stem decay in standing trees across the eastern US and Canada: evaluation of alternative modelling approaches and influential factors
- An imputation/copula-based stochastic individual tree growth model for mixed species Acadian forests: a case study using the Nova Scotia permanent sample plot network
- Future directions
- Long-term development of natural regeneration in irregular, mixed stands of silver fir and Norway spruce
- Testing a new component ratio method for predicting total tree aboveground and component biomass for widespread pine and hardwood species of eastern US
- Metrics for comparing stand structure and dynamics between Ecological Reserves and managed forest of Maine, USA
- Refining the Forest Vegetation Simulator for projecting the effects of spruce budworm defoliation in the Acadian Region of North America
- Forest-Management Modelling
- Influences of conventional and low-density thinning on the lower bole taper and volume growth of eastern white pine
- Evaluating traditional peer-review processes and their alternatives: An opinionated discussion
- Assessing the feasibility of low-density LiDAR for stand inventory attribute predictions in complex and managed forests of Northern Maine, USA
- Assessing the potential stem growth and quality of yellow birch prior to restoration: A case study in eastern Canada
- Long-term thinning effects on the leaf area of Pinus strobus L. as estimated from litterfall and individual-tree allometric models
- Species mixture effects in northern red oak-eastern white pine stands in Maine, USA
- Assessing and modeling snag survival and decay dynamics for the primary species in the Acadian forest of Maine, USA
- Evaluation of alternative methods for using LiDAR to predict aboveground biomass in mixed species and structurally complex forests in northeastern North America
- Comparing strategies for modeling individual-tree height and height-to-crown base increment in mixed-species Acadian forests of northeastern North America
- Benchmarking and calibration of Forest Vegetation Simulator individual tree attribute predictions across the northeastern United States
- Hybrid models of forest growth and yield
- Linking growth models of different resolutions
- Forest Growth and Yield Modeling
- Development and evaluation of aboveground small tree biomass models for naturally regenerated and planted species in eastern Maine, U.S.A.
- Influence of early re-spacing on Sitka spruce branch structure
- Effects of species composition, management intensity, and shade tolerance on vertical distribution of leaf area index in juvenile stands in Maine, USA
- Development of branch, crown, and vertical distribution leaf area models for contrasting hardwood species in Maine, USA
- Projected future suitable habitat and productivity of Douglas-fir in western North America
- Efficiency of alternative forest inventory methods in partially harvested stands
- Influence of partial harvesting and site factors on the abundance and composition of natural regeneration in the Acadian Forest of Maine, USA
- Early stand production of hybrid poplar and white spruce in mixed and monospecific plantations in eastern Maine
- Managing the middle ground: Forests in the transition zone between cities and remote areas
- A Bayesian approach for modelling non-linear longitudinal/hierarchical data with random effects in forestry
- Linking climate, gross primary productivity, and site index across forests of the western United States
- Factors influencing height-age relationships and recruitment of ponderosa pine regeneration in Northern Arizona
- Influence of management intensity on the productivity of early successional Acadian stands in eastern Maine
- Effects of seed source origin on bark thickness of douglas-fir (pseudotsuga menziesii) growing in southwestern Germany
- Development of regional height to diameter equations for 15 tree species in the North American Acadian Region
- Assessing model performance in forecasting longterm individual tree diameter versus basal area increment for the primary acadian tree species
- Estimating and predicting bark thickness for seven conifer species in the Acadian Region of North America using a mixed-effects modeling approach: Comparison of model forms and subsampling strategies
- Regional stem taper equations for eleven conifer species in the acadian region of north America: Development and assessment
- Dynamic spatial regression models for space-varying forest stand tables
- Effects of thinning-induced changes in structural heterogeneity on growth, ingrowth, and mortality in secondary coastal Douglas-fir forests
- Long-term response of spruce-fir stands to herbicide and precommercial thinning: Observed and projected growth, yield, and financial returns in central Maine, USA
- Multivariate spatial regression models for predicting individual tree structure variables using LiDAR data
- Development of height to crown base models for thirteen tree species of the North American Acadian Region
- Maine woodland owner perceptions of long rotation woody biomass harvesting and bioenergy
- Assessing and modeling standing deadwood attributes under alternative silvicultural regimes in the Acadian forest region of Maine, USA
- Linking remote sensing and various site factors for predicting the spatial distribution of eastern hemlock occurrence and relative basal area in Maine, USA
- Measurement and prediction of bark thickness in Picea abies: Assessment of accuracy, precision, and sample size requirements
- Forest Growth and Yield Modeling Introduction
- Components of tree-list models
- Forest site evaluation
- Implementation and use
- Forest Growth and Yield Modeling Preface
- Indices of competition
- Individual-tree static equations
- Influences of Conventional and Low-Density Thinning on the Lower Bole Taper and Volume Growth of Eastern White Pine
- Maximum and Largest Crown Width Equations for 15 Tree Species in Maine
- Sampling strategies for efficient estimation of tree foliage biomass
- Development of a hybrid model for intensively managed Douglas-fir in the Pacific Northwest
- Models on branch characteristics of wide-spaced Douglas-fir
- Evaluation of alternative approaches for predicting individual tree volume increment
- Comparisons of three different methods used to generate forest landscapes for spatial harvest scheduling problems with adjacency restrictions
- Analysis of within- and between-crown variability for mechanistic crown models
- Modeling branch growth and mortality to silvicultural treatments in coastal Douglas-fir plantations: Implications for predicting tree growth
- Long-term effects of precommercial thinning on the stem dimensions, form and branch characteristics of red spruce and balsam fir crop trees in Maine, USA
- Approaches for modeling vertical distribution of maximum knot size in black spruce: A comparison of fixed- and mixed-effects nonlinear models
- Canopy gap characteristics of an oak-beech-maple old-growth forest in Northeastern Ohio
- Maximum and largest crown width equations for 15 tree species in Maine
- Effect of wide spacing on tree growth, branch and sapwood properties of young Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] in south-western Germany
- Branch surface area and its vertical distribution in coastal Douglas-fir
- Tree-level models
- Model construction
- Evaluation of Alternative Approaches for Predicting Individual Tree Volume Increment
- Stand structure and composition 32 years after precommercial thinning treatments in a mixed northern conifer stand in central Maine
- Intensive management influence on Douglas fir stem form, branch characteristics, and simulated product recovery
- Sources of variation in the self-thinning boundary line for three species with varying levels of shade tolerance
- Modeling crown structural responses to competing vegetation control, thinning, fertilization, and Swiss needle cast in coastal Douglas-fir of the Pacific Northwest, USA
- Comparison of model forms for estimating stem taper and volume in the primary conifer species of the North American Acadian Region
- Response of branch growth and mortality to silvicultural treatments in coastal Douglas-fir plantations: Implications for predicting tree growth
- Branch characteristics of widely spaced Douglas-fir in south-western Germany: Comparisons of modelling approaches and geographic regions
- A hybrid model for intensively managed Douglas-fir plantations in the Pacific Northwest, USA
- Influence of Swiss needle cast on foliage age-class structure and vertical foliage distribution in Douglas-fir plantations in north coastal Oregon
- Modeling annualized occurrence, frequency, and composition of ingrowth using mixed-effects zeroinflated models and permanent plots in the Acadian Forest Region of North America
- Response of Douglas-fir leaf area index and litterfall dynamics to Swiss needle cast in north coastal Oregon, USA
- Modelling primary branch frequency and size for five conifer species in Maine, USA
- Species differences in total and vertical distribution of branch- and tree-level leaf area for the five primary conifer species in Maine, USA
- Sources of within- and between-stand variability in specific leaf area of three ecologically distinct conifer species
- Modeling top height growth of red alder plantations
- External knot size and frequency in black spruce trees from an initial spacing trial in Thunder Bay, Ontario
- Cutpoint analysis for models with binary outcomes: A case study on branch mortality
- Annualized diameter and height growth equations for Pacific Northwest plantation-grown Douglas-fir, western hemlock, and red alder
- Addressing climate change in the forest vegetation simulator to assess impacts on landscape forest dynamics
- Leaf mass per area relationships across light gradients in hybrid spruce crowns
- Predicting the number of trees in small diameter classes using predictions from a two-parameter Weibull distribution
- Modeling silvicultural treatments
- Sources of Variation in the Self-Thinning Boundary Line for Three Species with Varying Levels of Shade Tolerance
- Sampling Strategies for Efficient Estimation of Tree Foliage Biomass
- Mortality
- Whole-stand and size-class models
- Model evaluation and calibration
- Process-based models
- Approaches for Modeling Vertical Distribution of Maximum Knot Size in Black Spruce: A Comparison of Fixed- and Mixed-Effects Nonlinear Models
- Seeding, regeneration, and recruitment
- Long-Term Effects of Precommercial Thinning on the Stem Dimensions, Form and Branch Characteristics of Red Spruce and Balsam Fir Crop Trees in Maine, USA
- Stand Structure and Composition 32 Years after Precommercial Thinning Treatments in a Mixed Northern Conifer Stand in Central Maine
- Canopy gap characteristics of an oak-beech-maple old-growth forest in northeastern Ohio
- A Comprehensive and Spatially Explicit Regional Vulnerability Assessment of the Forest Industry to Climate Change
- Integrating historical observations alters projections of eastern North American spruce–fir habitat under climate change
- Evaluation of projected carbon accumulation after implementing different forest management treatments in mixed-species stands in northern Maine
- Testing a generalized leaf mass estimation method for diverse tree species and climates of the continental United States
- Estimating regional timber supply and forest carbon sequestration under shared socioeconomic pathways: A case study of Maine, USA
- Carbon conundrums: Do United States' current carbon market baselines represent an undesirable ecological threshold?
- Examining approaches for modeling individual tree growth response to thinning in Norway spruce
- Usefulness and Need for Digital Technology to Assist Forest Management: Summary of Findings from a Survey of Registered Foresters
- Multi-Source Mapping of Forest Susceptibility to Spruce Budworm Defoliation Based on Stand Age and Composition across a Complex Landscape in Maine, USA
- Can a multistage approach improve individual tree mortality predictions across the complex mixed-species and managed forests of eastern North America?
- Relative density as a standardizing metric for the development of size-density management charts
- Relative Density as a Standardizing Metric for the Development of Size-Density Management Charts
- Tree-level responses to commercial thinning in spruce-fir forests across northern Maine, USA
- Evaluation of modeling strategies for assessing self‐thinning behavior and carrying capacity
- Whoa on the wobble! Stem sinuosity in juvenile Douglas-fir across levels of genetic gain, silvicultural treatments, site conditions, and climatic variables in the Pacific Northwest
- Influence of climate zone shifts on forest ecosystems in northeastern United States and maritime Canada
- Cost-effectiveness of remote sensing technology for spruce budworm monitoring in Maine, USA
- Spatial resolution for forest carbon maps
- Warming-driven shifts in dominant tree species potentially reduce aboveground biomass in northeastern United States forests