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TACAS 2021 Artifact

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posted on 2021-01-20, 22:13 authored by Makai MannMakai Mann
This is an artifact for the conference paper "Counterexample-Guided Prophecy for Model Checking Modulo the Theory of Arrays", appearing at TACAS 2021(Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems). The artifact was accepted by the TACAS artifact evaluation committee. This zip file contains all of the files needed to reproduce the paper's results on a standard installation of Ubuntu 20.04. The artifact evaluation committee evaluated this artifact with a virtual machine running Ubuntu 20.04, available here:

Sebastian Hjort Hyberts, Peter Gjøl Jensen, & Thomas Neele. (2020, September 21). TACAS 21 Artifact Evaluation VM - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Version 1). Zenodo.
