
The Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César: Research Software (The Values of French)

Version 2 2020-07-17, 11:51
Version 1 2020-07-02, 14:11
posted on 2020-07-17, 11:51 authored by Geoffroy Noël, Paul Caton, Ginestra Ferraro

The software that runs The Values of French website (including the Text Viewer, Alignment visualisations, and lemmatised search page) is open source. The code source is available on Github (

The software was conceived and implemented by King's Digital Lab ( specifically for this project according to the requirements of the research team.

The offline software responsible for converting the TEI input produced by the research team into various derivative forms (e.g. tokenised XML, HTML output, concordances) was also developed by King's Digital Lab and is hosted on a separate github repository:

For the latest stable version of the code on github, please use the 'master' branch.

This is an output of the ERC-funded project The Values of French Language and Literature in the European Middle Ages (EU Horizon 2020, grant agreement no. 670726), directed by Prof. Simon Gaunt (PI) and hosted by the Department of French, King's College London. For more information, visit (available until 2030).


ERC Horizon 2020 (grant agreement no. 670726)
