SeptembRSE 2021 panel event 'Missing narratives around diversity and inclusion in Research Software Engineering' hosted on the 28th September 2021.
Part of the panel to help create inclusive communities in RSE by centring on intersectional voices, increase awareness of power imbalances that negatively impact multiple marginalised groups in research, and provide a call-to-action for diversity and inclusion. We will bring together experts who lead different efforts for improving diversity, equity and inclusion in academia, for example, training, recruitment, policy, data-led research, activism and so on.
This is why we are going to ask our panelists and our audience to answer one or both of the following questions:
1. How did someone center and advocate for intersectionality marginalised voices, and how did that make a positive impact?
2. When did someone redefine merit and how did that make a positive impact?