
Diversity and Inclusion by Design: Introducing Unconscious Bias, Intersectionality & Inclusive Practice

posted on 2024-06-10, 20:59 authored by Kirsten J McKenzieKirsten J McKenzie, Rosie Elvin


This interactive Seminar introduces Architecture, Interior Architecture and Design students to the concepts of unconscious bias, discrimination and privilege, intersectionality and exclusion, as well as the tangible effects of such in both design and related fields. Central to this session is the consideration of the complexity and multiplicity of identity and social experience, and the ways in which specific group characteristics can interact to affect experiences, depending upon context. Through interactive discussions, participants explore case studies exemplifying the impact of limited diversity on design outcomes and cultivate skills to recognise and counteract biases that may influence decision-making processes. Emphasis is placed on the necessity of adopting a paradigm of designing with, rather than for, communities (Martin et al., 2005), while examining practical strategies for meaningful engagement and relationships with diverse interested parties. 


University of Lincoln, College of Arts Teaching & Learning Innovation Fund


Advance HE Fellowship status

  • Senior Fellowship

Author's role

  • Academic staff

Accessibility status

  • Has passed accessibility checks

Twitter username

@thisdrkmckenzie @RosieElvin79


University of Lincoln

Date of resource creation

October 2020



Learning Resource Type

  • Interactive

Target Group or Audience

Undergraduate students in Architecture, Interior Architecture, Design

Learning Outcome

Recognise how unconscious bias operates, and its impact on decision-making and design; Understand intersectionality and this affects people's experiences; Reflect on personal biases; Explore strategies to mitigate bias and adopt inclusive practices

Target Expertise or Skill Level

  • Beginner