Build it and they will come?:Community Engagement for Earth Science data initiatives
This invited presentation was given in-person at CISL at NCAR in Boulder, CO on Jan 25, 2024. Session announcement:
Abstract: Community-centered approaches have long been a part of the Earth Sciences, since the complex questions that this field grapples with are often beyond what small groups and individuals can address. Despite this, Earth Science initiatives still often struggle to identify why, how, and for what they are engaging communities—both within their fields and beyond. In this interactive presentation, we’ll explore different framings and examples of community engagement approaches that are especially relevant to Earth Science data projects. We’ll learn about how community engagement can range from outreach to activation of communities. We’ll leave with some specific strategies that we can apply in our own projects, such as for organizing workshops, communicating with users, gathering consensus around shared ideas, and increasing the sustainability of projects. In particular, we’ll think about what it means to practice open science and empowerment in today’s context for Earth Science data.