
Additional file 6: Figure S3. of Depletion of yeast PDK1 orthologs triggers a stress-like transcriptional response

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posted on 2015-09-21, 05:00 authored by Daniel Pastor-Flores, Jofre Ferrer-Dalmau, Anna Bahí, Martí Boleda, Ricardo Biondi, Antonio Casamayor
The transcriptional changes caused by heat shock are attenuated in Pkh-depleted cells. A: Graphical representation of the expression values (in log2) for the top 100 most up-regulated genes, after heat shock, in doxycycline-treated wild-type (WT) cells (○) and the corresponding value for the same genes in the SDP8 strain under the same condition (■). B: Similar representation for the top 100 most down-regulated genes after heat shock in doxycycline-treated wild-type (WT) cells (○) and the corresponding value for the same genes in the SDP8 strain under the same condition (■). C: Graphical representation of the expression values (in log2) for the top 100 most up-regulated genes by heat shock in doxycycline-treated SDP8 cells (■) and the corresponding value for the same genes in the wild-type (WT) strain under the same condition (○). D: Graphical representation of the expression values (in log2) for the top 100 most down-regulated genes, after heat shock, in doxycycline-treated SDP8 cells (■) and the corresponding value for the same genes in the wild-type (WT) strain under the same condition (○). (PPTX 87 kb)


Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain and ERDF
