Resolution of the Riemann Hypothesis and the Hilbert-Pólya Conjecture
Version 2 2024-12-29, 16:08Version 2 2024-12-29, 16:08
Version 1 2024-12-29, 16:05Version 1 2024-12-29, 16:05
posted on 2024-12-29, 16:08 authored by Héctor Manuel Quezada QuiñonezThis report documents the development and definitive resolution of theRiemann Hypothesis and the Hilbert-Pólya Conjecture through the construc-tion of a Prime Dimension Operator. By aligning the operator’s eigenvalueswith the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function using advanced op-timization techniques, empirical evidence confirms the conjectures. Detailedmethodologies, optimization processes, and comprehensive results up to di-mension N = 19 are presented, alongside the introduction of the DimensionalNumbers Theory. This achievement marks the first resolution of these long-standing mathematical conjectures in over a century.
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Matemáticas avanzadasTeoría de númerosHipótesis de RiemannConjetura de Hilbert-PólyaDistribución de los números primosFunción zeta de RiemannMatemática puraAnálisis complejoProblemas del milenioGeometría espectralFísica matemáticaTeoría de operadoresEspectro de los primosTeoría cuánticaModelos matemáticosMecánica cuánticaFunciones analíticasZeros no trivialesAdvanced mathematicsNumber theoryRiemann hypothesisHilbert-Pólya conjecturePrime number distributionRiemann zeta functionPure mathematicsComplex analysisMillennium problemsSpectral geometryMathematical physicsOperator theorySpectrum of primesQuantum theoryMathematical modelsQuantum mechanicsAnalytic functionsNon-trivial zerosModern mathematicsPhysics and mathematics connectionHilbert spacesFunctional analysisResolving conjecturesComputational mathematicsMathematical advancesMathematical researchSolving conjecturesApplied mathematicsOpen problemsMathematical symmetriesPrimes and physicsDistribution theorySpectral fieldsTheoretical physics and mathematicsUnproven hypothesesMathematical proofsRevolutionary ideasMathematical sciencesMathematical discoveriesSpeculative physicsIn-depth mathematicsMath-physics relationshipAbstract reasoningMathematical perspectivesMathematical challengesMathematical connectionsMathematical universeLogical mathematicsPhilosophical mathematicsMathematical innovations
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