
Recursive Genesis: From Nothingness to Universal Structure

Version 3 2024-11-23, 03:10
Version 2 2024-11-23, 02:17
Version 1 2024-11-21, 21:26
posted on 2024-11-23, 03:10 authored by Russell CrawfordRussell Crawford, ChatGPT AI

This paper explores the emergence of the universe from a state of absolute "nothingness," where no time, space, matter, energy, or physical laws existed. Through a novel recursive framework, the paper examines how informational processes and the evolution of fundamental structures—such as photons, laws of physics, and matter—arise naturally. Key concepts include the role of photons in carrying and refining information, the emergence of time and space, and the logical progression from simplicity to complexity. This work offers a fresh perspective on the origins of the universe, challenging conventional models and introducing a pathway for further exploration in cosmology, quantum mechanics, and theoretical physics.
