Ten simple rules for successful and sustainable African research collaboration.docx
posted on 2023-05-18, 12:08 authored by Roseline Dzekem DineRoseline Dzekem Dine, Lamis Yahia Mohamed Elkheir, Morufu Olalekan RaimiMorufu Olalekan Raimi, Micheal Alemayehu, Salem Youssef Mohamed, Justice Kwadwo Turzin, Femi Qudus Arogundade, Elizabeth A. Ochola, Alex Mukungu Nasiyo, Raziah Quallatein Mwawanga, Yahaya Abubakar YaboThis manuscrip presents 10 practical and sustainable steps that if followed and built upon will enhance successful collaboration between African researchers and the international research community.
Usage metrics
- Autoimmunity
- Autonomic nervous system
- Basic pharmacology
- Medical biochemistry and metabolomics not elsewhere classified
- Clinical microbiology
- Cancer cell biology
- Cancer diagnosis
- Cancer genetics
- Cardiology (incl. cardiovascular diseases)
- Cancer therapy (excl. chemotherapy and radiation therapy)
- Cardiovascular medicine and haematology not elsewhere classified
- People with disability
- Cell physiology
- Cellular immunology
- Cellular nervous system
- Central nervous system
- Chemotherapy
- Chiropractic
- Clinical chemistry (incl. diagnostics)
- Preventative health care
- Acute care
- Sub-acute care
- Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics
- Clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice
- Clinical sciences not elsewhere classified
- Sport and exercise nutrition
- Community child health
- Traditional, complementary and integrative medicine not elsewhere classified
- Dental materials and equipment
- Dental therapeutics, pharmacology and toxicology
- Dentistry not elsewhere classified
- Dermatology
- Nutrigenomics and personalised nutrition
- Epidemiology not elsewhere classified
- Emergency medicine
- Endocrinology
- Endodontics
- Occupational and workplace health and safety
- Exercise physiology
- Family care
- Foetal development and medicine
- Gastroenterology and hepatology
- Geriatrics and gerontology
- Haematological tumours
- Haematology
- Health care administration
- Health counselling
- Health surveillance
- Health promotion
- Health and community services
- Human biophysics
- Sports science and exercise not elsewhere classified
- Humoural immunology and immunochemistry
- Immunogenetics (incl. genetic immunology)
- Immunology not elsewhere classified
- Innate immunity
- Intensive care
- Te hauora me te oranga o te Māori kāore anō kia whakarōpūhia i wāhi kē (Māori health and wellbeing not elsewhere classified)
- Medical bacteriology
- Medical biochemistry - amino acids and metabolites
- Medical biochemistry - carbohydrates
- Medical biochemistry - inorganic elements and compounds
- Medical biochemistry - lipids
- Medical biochemistry - nucleic acids
- Medical biochemistry - proteins and peptides (incl. medical proteomics)
- Medical genetics (excl. cancer genetics)
- Medical infection agents (incl. prions)
- Medical microbiology not elsewhere classified
- Medical parasitology
- Medical physiology not elsewhere classified
- Medical virology
- Other health sciences not elsewhere classified
- Mental health nursing
- Metabolic medicine
- Midwifery not elsewhere classified
- Molecular targets
- Motor control
- Naturopathy
- Nephrology and urology
- Primary health care
- Podiatry
- Physiotherapy
- Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences not elsewhere classified
- Pharmaceutical sciences
- Pharmacogenomics
- Peripheral nervous system
- Periodontics
- Paediatrics not elsewhere classified
- Reproductive medicine not elsewhere classified
- Paedodontics
- Pathology (excl. oral pathology)
- Optical technology
- Oral medicine and pathology
- Oral and maxillofacial surgery
- Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopaedics
- Orthopaedics
- Otorhinolaryngology
- Pacific Peoples health and wellbeing not elsewhere classified
- Neurology and neuromuscular diseases
- Neurosciences not elsewhere classified
- Nuclear medicine
- Nursing not elsewhere classified
- Nutrition and dietetics not elsewhere classified
- Nutritional science
- Obstetrics and gynaecology
- Oncology and carcinogenesis not elsewhere classified
- Ophthalmology
- Ophthalmology and optometry not elsewhere classified
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