
An Innovative Experiment to Test a Paradigm-Shifting Theory in Physics through Alteration of Light Speed in Electromagnetic Interactions

Version 7 2024-07-30, 09:36
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Version 1 2024-06-11, 12:53
posted on 2024-07-30, 09:36 authored by Wim VegtWim Vegt

The foundation of Einstein's General Relativity lies in the curvature of spacetime due to gravitational fields, emphasizing a constant speed of light in vacuum. In contrast, a novel perspective rooted in "Equilibrium" for the five fundamental force densities in light posits varying light speeds when coherent laser beams intersect, challenging General Relativity's constant light speed assumption. This research delves into the interaction between gravity and light at astronomical and sub-atomic levels, branching into Gravitational Redshift, Black Holes, and Dark Matter, alongside microscopic phenomena of light absorption and emission.

Unlike General Relativity, this new viewpoint unites gravity and light through a synthesis of the Stress-Energy Tensor and the Gravitational Tensor. It elucidates Gravitational-Electromagnetic Interaction, unveiling a tensor representation for Black Holes (Gravitational Electromagnetic Confinements) through the interplay of electromagnetic energy gradients and Lorentz transformations. By incorporating the "CURL" effect within gravitational fields near Black Holes, this theory surpasses the explanatory power of General Relativity, particularly in Gravitational Lensing scenarios.

Einstein's groundwork, featuring the Einstein Gravitational Constant within the Energy-Stress Tensor, contrasts with this reinterpretation presenting the combined Electromagnetic Tensor and Gravitational Tensor. Theoretical advancements in Black Hole solutions echo Jonh Archibald Wheeler's pioneering work in 1955, offering fundamental solutions for the relativistic quantum mechanical Dirac equation in tensor formalism. Experimental validation of this paradigm shift, conducted with Galileo Satellites and ground-based measurements of MASER frequency, underscores the discrepancies between General Relativity and the New Theory in predicting Gravitational Redshift, pushing the boundaries of gravitational observations beyond modern accuracies.

The convergence of Quantum Physics and General Relativity theories, exemplified by approaches like String Theory, predicts variable natural constants. This interdisciplinary endeavour stands to redefine perspectives on the gravitational constant "G," illustrating its constancy over time when bridging the realms of General Relativity and Quantum Physics.

This abstract encapsulates the essence of groundbreaking research into the interplay of light, gravity, and theoretical frameworks, promising potential breakthroughs at the forefront of optical and gravitational sciences.
