
Ways of Thinking: The development and application of an instrument to measure dispositional thinking traits

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Version 2 2017-04-29, 05:22
Version 1 2017-01-19, 04:09
posted on 2017-04-29, 05:22 authored by Shane CostelloShane Costello
Copy of poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology's annual convention in January 2017.

This poster summarises three PhD dissertations, which have culminated in the Ways of Thinking instrument. The first investigation was by John Roodenburg, who developed a model of cognitive style using the psycholexical approach. Building on this, Esther Roodenburg operationised the model and conducted mixed methods research in mature adults to further investigate thinking style. The final investigation was completed by myself, which was a validation of the instrument from both variable and person-centred perspectives. The poster was designed by myself.

Recommended citation:

Costello, S. (2017). Ways of Thinking: The development and application of an instrument to measure dispositional thinking traits. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual convention, San Antonio, TX. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.4564183
