
Transformational Education: learning for life

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posted on 2018-05-18, 12:25 authored by Hilary Wason, Cheryl Whiting, Fran Arrigoni, Colin Clarke
Our contribution focuses on the innovations in learning and teaching that have arisen from the outcomes of an interdisciplinary international research collaboration on critical thinking, aiming to enhance curricula and improve students’ development as required by employers. This has culminated in the development of a critical thinking skills framework and toolkit designed to inform learning, teaching and assessment practice. Our transformative educational endeavours are illustrated in three posters. Collectively these highlight our approach to developing student’s self-efficacy to master critical thinking and explore the challenges faced in leading students through ‘conceptual gateways’ to a more accessible way of thinking about information (Meyer and Land, 2005). Our key message is that to overcome such challenges we must as educators firstly transform ourselves by revising our own personal assumptions about learning and embrace a reflective and evidence-based exploration of our own methods of practice, expectations of ourselves and of our students.

These three posters were presented at St George's, University of London's Education Day on Wednesday 15 November 2017. More information on the event can be found via the link referenced below.


Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) Catalyst Fund


Research Institute

  • Institute of Medical and Biomedical Education


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