
Stephan Doering: What is true?

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posted on 2023-06-15, 12:10 authored by Paul ColdwellPaul Coldwell


What science and arts have in common is the unavailability of truth. Natural sciences usually follow an empirical epistemology, i.e. experiments or evaluations are planned and conducted according to hypotheses, they use “objective measures”, and yield “valid” results. An artist creates a highly subjective image of reality, an idea, a fantasy, or a concept using his or her personal intuitive or heuristic epistemology. Both, if successful, create a picture of something that has been invisible before – be it covered, unconscious, implicit, not yet verbalized, or simply unknown. An artist makes something visible that contains an aspect of truth that can be experienced and intersubjectively shared by recipients, a scientist uncovers a formerly unknown existence, correlation, or causality of phenomena of any kind.
