
Security and Society in the Information Age Volume 7

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Version 3 2024-12-13, 14:57
Version 2 2024-12-13, 14:44
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posted on 2024-12-13, 14:57 authored by Monika NowickaMonika Nowicka, Paulina PiaseckaPaulina Piasecka, Katarzyna Maniszewska, Vanessa Tinker

This book results from the 10th edition of the Summer School “Security and Society in the Information Age” held at Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, Poland, between June and July 2024. The volume brings together papers by undergraduate students – participants in the program presenting the “Youth Perspectives on Security”. Designed and run in collaboration with a leading American study abroad company SRAS, the program “Security and Society in the Information Age” is uniquely positioned to address global issues through the lens of Central Europe’s rich historical and cultural backdrop. This year’s curriculum was particularly poignant, focusing on the regional and global implications of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and exploring the interconnectedness of conflicts across different regions, including the Middle East. The topics discussed during the program are reflected in the papers by the contributors to this volume. The topics range from hybrid warfare, migration issues, and countering terrorism through war and peacebuilding to geopolitical strategies of powers in the multipolar world. In 2024, twenty students from various U.S. universities participated in the program, which combines the four-week intensive course on Central Europe & Security Issues with a two-week research internship with the Terrorism Research Center – a research unit at Collegium Civitas and a leading think tank on security issues in Poland. Collegium Civitas and SRAS are proud to offer this immersive experience that educates and prepares future leaders to understand and engage with complex global challenges.


Collegium Civitas SRAS
