
Visualizing long-term urbanization and land development in Spain (1900-2020)

Version 3 2023-03-22, 22:29
Version 2 2023-03-22, 22:15
Version 1 2023-02-10, 10:58
posted on 2023-03-22, 22:29 authored by Johannes H. UhlJohannes H. Uhl, Dominic Royé, Keith BurghardtKeith Burghardt, José Antonio Aldrey Vázquez, Manuel Borobio Sanchiz, Stefan Leyk

Animated data visualizations highlighting long-term urbanization and land development in Spain, using data from the Historical Settlement Data Compilation for Spain (HISDAC-ES) (10.6084/m9.figshare.22009643). 

These animations provide unprecedented insight in the evolution of Spanish cities and settlements, over extended time periods and at fine spatial and temporal granularity.

The underlying gridded data layers from HISDAC-ES have been created from publicly available cadastral data (i.e., building footprint data plus construction year information).

Data processing and visualization by Johannes H. Uhl (2023).


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