الحامل والمحمول لعناصر الجمال بين الثابت والمتغير في الفن- The bearer and the portable of the elements of beauty between the constant and the variable in art
The study is useful in aesthetic analysis within aesthetic elements, highlighting these elements, identifying their habitats, distinguishing between fixed and transformed, and where they lie for Man and art or design, without forgetting nature, which is the source of inspiration, and this is considering man from nature, if we present in this study the concept of apparent and internal beauty or the essence of beauty or the so-called aesthetic values in the arts of different civilizations, an analytical study of the subject of beauty was presented in aesthetic and artistic studies different from the utilitarian, ideal and relative provisions and aesthetic preference between the so-called carrier and portable in this study, we point out that artists, aestheticians and philosophers Critics and those interested in art studies should interpret the elements of beauty element by Element, and differentiate between fixed and changing aesthetic elements, especially in the contemporary time, where aesthetic and dialectical theories were intertwined in the subject of aesthetics and different theories of interpretation and analysis of works of art, as well as methods of criticism, and then their study is useful to identify the aesthetic values in art, the beauty of artistic expression and the mechanism of taste and facilitate criticism and aesthetic judgment on any work of art.