
Widening Interdisciplinary Sustainability Education

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-08-31, 08:12 authored by Peter Aspengren, Artur Badyda, Katarzyna Błaszczyk, Xymena BukowskaXymena Bukowska, Luís Calafate, Cristina Calheiros, Alexandra Cardoso, Tomáš Chabada, Veronika Chvátalová, Paulina Codogni, Mikuláš Černík, Jan Činčera, Joana Faria, Marcus Hedblom, Katarzyna Iwińska, Natalie Jellinek, Michael Jones, Athanasios Kampas, Alexandros Koutsouris, Magdalena Kraszewska, Grzegorz Mikusiński, Isilda Rodrigues, Jan Skalik, Alexandra Smyrniotopoulou, Adam Sulkowski, Clara Vasconcelos, George Vlahos
This book aims to fill a gap in the literature on sustainable development through its focus on education and the interaction between students and teachers in a classroom environment that encourages them to see things from different perspectives, think “outside the box” and propose innovative solutions. This handbook is based on the case method that aims to engage students and participants in solving complex sustainability problems. Instead of the wealth of academic knowledge provided by many other academic books, the WISE handbook simply gives instructions and useful educational materials with recommendations about how to manage the classroom and how to achieve a better understanding among students with difficulties of achieving solutions to complex sustainability problems. It also gives suggestions (procedures) with tips and step-by-step instructions on how to conduct each lesson.
We especially recommend this book to the readers, whose aim is to empower new agents of change and develop students’ generic competencies for our common future.


Erasmus Plus Project. Reference 2015-1-PL01-KA203-016621
